Call example
<?$APPLICATION->includeComponent("bitrix:spotlight", "", array( "ID" => "my-spotlight", "JS_OPTIONS" => array( "targetElement" => "box", "content" => "Hint text", "targetVertex" => "middle-center" ) )); ?> |
Component bitrix:spotlight
Component displays a hint on a page next to specified DOM element. Registers fact of displayed hint to the current user. Component is adapted for composite.
Parameter | Description | Available from version |
ID | Hint ID. Required parameter. | |
USER_TYPE | User type. Available values:
| |
USER_TIMESPAN | Timespan in seconds for determining new/existing user. 30 days by default. | |
LIFETIME | Hint lifetime in seconds. 30 days by default. | |
START_DATE | Hint displaying start date. Not specified by default. | |
END_DATE | Hint displaying end date. Not specified by default. | |
JS_OPTIONS | Array of options for constructor BX.SpotLight. |
Example of event handling in JavaScript
Example demonstrates two options for event handling for a pulsating circle, connected via the component bitrix:spotlight:
- Static. The key events specifies link to static function.
- Instance. Component bitrix:spotlight creates a pulsating circle object using manager BX.SpotLight.Manager. You can get link to object type BX.SpotLight via this manager.
<? $APPLICATION->includeComponent("bitrix:spotlight", "", array( "ID" => "my-spotlight3", "USER_TYPE" => "OLD", "USER_TIMESPAN" => 3600 * 24 * 30, "LIFETIME" => 3600 * 24 * 30, "START_DATE" => gmmktime(8, 30, 0, 10, 10, 2017), // October 10, 2017 11:30 GMT "END_DATE" => gmmktime(8, 30, 0, 12, 10, 2017), // December 10, 2017 11:30 GMT "JS_OPTIONS" => array( "targetElement" => "box", "content" => "Text Text", "top" => 100, "left" => 100, "events" => array( "onTargetEnter" => "BX.MyModule.MyComponent.handleTargetEnter" //static method ), "targetVertex" => "middle-right" ) )); ?> <script> (function() { BX.namespace("BX.MyModule.MyComponent"); BX.MyModule.MyComponent = function(options) { //Get hint instance. var spotlight = BX.SpotLight.Manager.get("my-spotlight"); if (spotlight) { spotlight.bindEvents({ onTargetEnter: this.handleTargetEnter.bind(this) }); } }; BX.MyModule.MyComponent.handleTargetEnter = function(spotlight) { console.log("handleTargetEnter", this, spotlight); }; BX.MyModule.MyComponent.prototype = { handleTargetEnter: function(spotlight) { console.log("handleTargetEnter prototype", this, spotlight); } }; })(); BX.ready(function() { new BX.MyModule.MyComponent(); }); </script>
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