

Editor class of methods for handling block editor.

Class Description Available from version
createInstance Returns editor object.
fillDocumentBySliceContent Fills in the template (as DOM document) by slice content .
fillTemplateBySliceContent Fills in tempalte (as HTML) by slice content.
getDefaultBlockList Returns list of standard blocks.
getDefaultToolList Returns list of standard tools used for modifying blocks.
getHtmlForEditor Returns accepted string, converting php into special format for handling block editor.
getUI Returns HTML for portion of interface.
isContentSupported Checks string for available tag attributes, indicating block editor support.
isHtmlDocument Checks string for available HTML.
isSliceContent Checks string for available slice content.
parseSliceContent Converts slice content string into array of block content elements.
replaceCharset Changes encoding in HTML string.
setBlockList Sets user list of blocks.
setComponentFilter Sets component filer.
setToolList Sets user list of tools.
show Returns HTML code for showing in editor, including css and js.
showEditor Returns editor interface HTML without css and js.
Editor Constructor Creates editor object.

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