
File management in the old core

Information on File manager modules in the old core

Visual editor


When registering the handler, specify fileman as the module ID. List of File manager module events:

Events, associated visual HTML editor
Class Description Available from version
OnBeforeHTMLEditorScriptsGet directly before connecting JavaScript editor files. Allows adding additional JavaScript file or styles file to the list of connected files. CFileMan::ShowHTMLEditControl 6.5.6
OnBeforeLightEditorScriptsGet before connecting JavaScript files of simplified editor. CLightHTMLEditor::Init 8.5.3
OnIncludeHTMLEditorScript directly after connecting editor, на странице вызова, но до его инициализации. CFileMan::ShowHTM

Information on File manager modules in the old core

Visual editor


When registering the handler, specify fileman as the module ID. List of File manager module events :

Events, associated visual HTML editor
Class Description Available from version
OnBeforeHTMLEditorScriptsGet directly before connecting JavaScript editor files. Allows adding additional JavaScript file or styles file to the list of connected files. CFileMan::ShowHTMLEditControl 6.5.6
OnBeforeLightEditorScriptsGet before connecting JavaScript files of simplified editor. CLightHTMLEditor::Init 8.5.3
OnIncludeHTMLEditorScript directly after connecting an editor on the call page, but before editor is initialized. CFileMan::ShowHTMLEditControl 5.0.2
OnIncludeLightEditorScript directly after connecting a simplified editor on the call page, but before editor is initialized. CLightHTMLEditor::InitScripts 9.5.3
Other events
Class Description Available from version
OnMedialibItemView occurs before creating and issuing media library element as HTML to show to user. CMedialib::GetItemViewHTML 9.0.0
OnIncludeLightEditorScript directly after connecting a simplified editor on the call page, but before editor is initialized. CLightHTMLEditor::InitScripts 9.5.3
Other events
Class Description Available from version
OnMedialibItemView occurs before creating and issuing element of media library as HTML to show to user. CMedialib::GetItemViewHTML 9.0.0
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