

Attach class for handling objects used with polls.

Class methods

MethodDescription Available from version
canEditChecks user access permissions for updating current attached object.
canParticipateChecks user access permissions for poll participation.
canReadChecks user access permissions for reading current attached object.
checkDataChecks array with poll data.
deleteDeletes attached object and poll.
detachByFilterDeletes attached object by specified filter.
exportExcelExports poll data into MS Excel.
getAttachIdReturns entry ID in table with objects attached to polls.
getConnectorReturns connector instance for attached object.
getEntityIdReturns entity ID.
getEntityTypeReturns entity ID.
getModuleIdReturns module ID.
getVoteIdReturns poll ID.
initInitializes handling of attached objects.
isVotedForChecks if user has participated in this poll.
resumeExtends voting period.
saveUpdates poll data.
stopFinishes voting period.
voteForExecutes voting for current user.
Attach constructorConstructor for \Bitrix\Vote\Attachment\Attach class.

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