
Operational logic specifics

Attention! We strongly recommend first to learn more about Sites module REST documentation to understand how the module functions (with REST available in Bitrix24 Self-hosted editions). View this documentation as useful source when working with Bitrix24 Self-hosted editions and find out more details about API and only REST is not enough.

In contrast to operational logic of the rest of module, methods listed in this section are different. After block handling is complete, it must be saved to ensure property security. Due to often times large scale of content handling (changing single node content, changing styles for another node, adding or deleting card details, then changing card contents and etc). Such data saving measure was implemented to avoid massive load on the database after each action.

Although section examples lists methods separately, they can be combined. It means that method to update node styles must be called first, then this node content changed and then transition to cards. And only then call method to save – to finalize the result. It's important to keep in mind the logical result of your work (when you used the first method to delete 3rd string, so there is no need to query it by the next method).

Couple more words on handling block contents. You can get block content using the method getContent, update it as you require and save it via the method saveContent. However, this is done without block manifest control. When some selectors are not permitted to be changed, the affected methods (for example, those used to update text) won't have any effect.

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