

GroupTable class for handling table with forum groups.

Class methods

getTableNameReturns name of table with forum groups in the database.
getMapReturns list of fields for table with forum groups.
validateCodeReturns validator for the field CODE.
validateIblockTypeIdReturns validator for the field IBLOCK_TYPE_ID.
validateNameReturn validator for the field NAME.
validateDetailPageUrlReturns validator for the field DETAIL_PAGE_URL.
validateListPageUrlReturns validator for the field LIST_PAGE_URL.
validateCanonicalPageUrlReturns validator for the field CANONICAL_PAGE_URL.
validateSectionPageUrlReturns validator for the field SECTION_PAGE_URL.
validateTmpIdReturns validator for the field TMP_ID.
validateXmlIdReturns validator for the field XML_ID.
validateEditFileAfterReturns validator for the field EDIT_FILE_AFTER.
validateEditFileBeforeReturns validator for the field EDIT_FILE_BEFORE.

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