
Call Pane

You can find more details on call pane management scenarios here.

General description

Call pane overview:

To update pane caption (area 1), you need to call the method CallCardSetCardTitle and pass the object with the property title.

Example:'CallCardSetCardTitle', {title: 'Card Title'}, () => { //some code });

To update the text in area 2, call the method CallCardSetStatusText and pass it with the property statusText.

Example:'CallCardSetStatusText', {statusText: 'Status Text'}, () => { //some code });

Call pane has 12 UI statuses in total. You can fetch them using the method CallCardGetListUiStates. Callback function will receive an array with the available call pane status buttons.

Example:'CallCardGetListUiStates', (data) => { console.log(data); });

Switch to another call pane status is done using the method CallCardSetUiState with passed property uiState.

Example:'CallCardSetUiState', { uiState: 'connected'}, () => { //some code });

To process agent button clicks inside the a call pane, you need to subscribe to corresponding events.

Call pane action buttons

StatusDescriptionButton click processing
incoming For receiving inbound calls
  • Respond - BackgroundCallCard::answerButtonClick
  • Skip - BackgroundCallCard::skipButtonClick
transferIncoming For receiving forwarded inbound call
  • Respond - BackgroundCallCard::answerButtonClick
  • Skip - BackgroundCallCard::skipButtonClick
outgoing For showing outbound call pane
  • Call - BackgroundCallCard::makeCallButtonClick
connectingIncoming For showing call pane when connecting to inbound call
  • Hanging up/finishing the call - BackgroundCallCard::hangupButtonClick
connectingOutgoing For showing call pane when connecting to outbound call
  • Hang up - BackgroundCallCard::hangupButtonClick
connected For showing after connecting to call pane
  • Hang up - BackgroundCallCard::hangupButtonClick
  • Hold - BackgroundCallCard::holdButtonClick
  • Mute/Unmute - BackgroundCallCard::muteButtonClick
  • Forward - BackgroundCallCard::transferButtonClick
  • Dial pad button click - BackgroundCallCard::dialpadButtonClick
  • Call quality rating - BackgroundCallCard::qualityMeterClick

Also, you can activate/deactivate microphone via the button click and hold the call by calling methods CallCardSetMute and CallCardSetHold accordingly.

Example:'CallCardSetMute', { muted: true }, () => { // some code }); 
// true indicates to muted microphone, false - unmuted'CallCardSetHold', { held: true }, () => { // some code }); 
// true indicates set as hold, false - hold removal
transferring Confirming call forwarding to another agent
  • Forward - BackgroundCallCard::completeTransferButtonClick
  • Transfer back to call - BackgroundCallCard::cancelTransferButtonClick
transferFailed On failed call forwarding
  • Transfer back to call - BackgroundCallCard::cancelTransferButtonClick
transferConnected When forwarding is complete successfully and you need to exit the call pane
  • Hang up - BackgroundCallCard::hangupButtonClick
error In case of an error
  • Close - BackgroundCallCard::closeButtonClick
moneyError When money amount is insufficient and Bitrix24 account administrator must be notified
  • Notify the admin - BackgroundCallCard::notifyAdminButtonClick
  • Close - BackgroundCallCard::closeButtonClick
redial In case the caller is busy, an option for agent to redial this same number, without hidding the call pane
  • Redial - BackgroundCallCard::makeCallButtonClick
Timer in call pane

By default, call timer is automatically enabled when switching to connected status. This behaviour can be disabled by passing one more property disableAutoStartTimer with value true in addition to uiState: 'connected'. When switching to other statuses, timer will stop as well.

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