

Scope: catalog Permissions: all

Registers a new event handler.

The method can be called only by a user having administrative privileges.

The method can be called by both standard user and a user having administrative privileges. However, functionality for standard user without admin access permissions has specific limitations:

  • offline events are unavailable, setup attempts will result in a thrown exception;
  • events are set up on behalf of current user (see description for parameter auth_type); direct indication for auth_type, different from current user ID will also throw an exception;

Because the calls will be initiated from Bitrix servers, any URL should be accessible for external GET/POST requests.

This method uses the following interface: BX24.callBind.

When deleting and updating an application, its actions will be deleted as well. You'll have to re-set them in the installer for each version.


Parameter Description
event Specifies the event name. This parameter is required.
handler Specifies the event handler. This parameter is required.
auth_type Specifies the ID of a user whose credentials will be used to install the handler. This parameter is optional. By default, the event handler will be authenticated as a user whose actions triggered the event.
event_type Values: online|offline. Default value is event_type=online and method operation does not change. When the value is event_type=offline, the method works with offline events.
auth_connector Source key. Parameter is intended for offline events. Allows preventing false event triggering.
options Extra settings for registered event, if available.




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