
Other functions

Emits the code of HTML elements allowing to enter a user ID and obtain details on a user.
MethodDescription Available from version
check_email Check e-mail address or syntax validity.
FindUserID Displays several HTML elements allowing to specify a user ID and retrieve user details next to this input field. A button linked to a user search page is also displayed.
LocalRedirect Performs the client browser redirect to the specified page.
QueryGetData Queries the specified web address via HTTP protocol.
GetWhoisLink Returns a link to one of the Whois servers used to obtain information on the specified IP address.
DeleteParam Builds a parameter string from the standard $HTTP_GET_VARS array, deleting parameters with specified names.
InitURLParam Initializes variables and arrays with parameters passed in an URL.
IsIE Returns true if the current client browser is "MS Internet Explorer".
Rel2Abs Returns path that is relative to the specified directory.
BXClearCache Deletes all or expired cache files on the specified path.
GetCountryByID Returns the name of the specified country in the specified language.
GetCountryArray Returns a sorted array of countries whose names are returned in the specified language.
ShowError Displays error messages.
ShowNote Displays notifications.
ShowMessage Displays error descriptions and other messages.
bitrix_sessid_get Passes a session ID.
bitrix_sessid_post Passes a session ID
bxmail Checks if the custom_mail function exists and calls it.
check_bitrix_sessid Checks the $_REQUEST[$varname] == bitrix_sessid() condition.
bitrix_sessid Returns a session ID, pre-processed by the md5 function.
roundEx Rounds up the value.

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