
Date and Time

The following functions are used to handle dates, time and calendar:

MethodDescription Available from version
Calendar Returns an icon that displays a standard calendar window when clicked. The date selected in this window is inserted in the specified field of a form (or, in case of interval selection - in two fields).
CalendarDate Returns an icon that displays a standard date selection window when clicked. The date selected in this window is inserted in the input field.
CalendarPeriod Displays two input fields for dates "from" and "to" with icons. When clicked, these icons display date selection window. The first field has a drop-down list of days for selection of date "from".
ParseDateTime Parses date and time using specified format.
ConvertDateTime Converts date from the format of one of the sites into arbitrary format string.
MakeTimeStamp Converts time from the string to the Unix format.
ConvertTimeStamp Converts time from Unix format to the string in the site format.
AddToTimeStamp Adds the Unix-форматеthe specified time span
getmicrotime Returns current time in Unix format.
FormatDateReturns string formatted according to the specified format.
IsAmPmModeDefines, if 12-hour time format is used.
FormatDateFromDBReturns date in the site language.

See Also

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