Description and parameters
array CIBlockPriceTools::GetCatalogPrices( int IBLOCK_ID, array arPriceCode );
Method returns list of price types with type parameters and option enabling viewing and purchase of this price type for current user groups. Static method.
Call parameters
Parameter | Description |
IBLOCK_ID | Information block identifier. In actuality, the parameter is used only in Bitrix24 editions without the Commercial catalog module, despite being a required parameter. |
arPriceCode | Array, depending on product edition:
Returned value
Returns an array. Its empty in case of an error. When information is available, returns an array with the following structure:
- For Bitrix24 edition with Commercial catalog module:
Key - price type ID. Value - away with fields as follows:
- ID - price type identifier;
- TITLE - language-dependent price type name on the current language, converted to html-safe format. When the name for current language is not specified, the field is empty (empty string);
- SELECT - price selection ID to add to $arSelect of method CIBlockElement::GetList (when required, prices must be selected jointly with information block elements);
- CAN_VIEW - (true/false) flag that specifies this price type viewing access permission to a group or groups that current user is a member of;
- CAN_BUY - (true/false) flag that specifies this price type purchasing access permission to a group or groups that current user is a member of.
Example for viewing the results
CModule::IncludeModule('catalog'); $res = CIBlockPriceTools::GetCatalogPrices(1, array('BASE', 'RETAIL', 'DISCOUNT')); echo '<pre>', mydump($res), '</pre>';
For Bitrix24 Editions without Commercial catalog module:
Key - property ID. Value - array with the same fields, but:
- ID - information block property ID;
- TITLE - html safe property name;
- SELECT - property value selection code for adding to $arSelect of method CIBlockElement::GetList;
- CAN_VIEW - always true;
- CAN_BUY - always false.
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