
Structure for Iblock Module Tables

Table fields

Type of information blocks (b_iblock_type)

Field Description Type Req. Default
ID Information block type ID. Unique. String(50) Yes
SECTIONS Flag (Y/N). Splits this block elements by sections. Required. Default value - "Y". Char(1) Yes Y
EDIT_FILE_BEFORE Full path to the handler file of element fields array before saving at the element edit page. String(255) No
EDIT_FILE_AFTER Full path to the handler file of the element editing interface. String(255) No
IN_RSS Blocks of this type to be exported into RSS (Y|N). Char(1) Yes N
SORT Sort type order Int Yes 500

Language-dependent parameters for types of information blocks (b_iblock_type_lang)

Field Description Type Req. Default
IBLOCK_TYPE_ID Block type ID String(50) Yes
LID Parameter language ID. Char(2) Yes
NAME Name of information block type. String(100) Yes
SECTION_NAME Name of information block sections (if elements of this type of block are classified by section). String(100) No
ELEMENT_NAME Name of information block elements. String(100) Yes

Information blocks (b_iblock)

Field DescriptionTypeReq. Default
ID Information block ID. Int Yes
SITE_ID Internal service field for compatibility.
LID Site ID. Char(2) Yes
CODESymbolic ID. String(50) No
External code. String(255) No
IBLOCK_TYPE_ID Code of information block type. String(50) Yes
TIMESTAMP_X Date when block parameters were last modified. Datetime Yes Current.
NAME Name. String(255) Yes
ACTIVE Active status flag (Y|N) Char(1) Yes Y
SORT Sorting index. Int Yes 500
LIST_PAGE_URL Page URL for public viewing of information block element list. String(255) Нет
SECTION_PAGE_URL Page URL for section viewing. String(255) No
DETAIL_PAGE_URL Page URL for element details viewing. String(255) No
CANONICAL_PAGE_URL Canonical element URL. String(255) No
PICTURE Image code within [link=89836]file table[/link]. Array No
DESCRIPTION Description. Text No
DESCRIPTION_TYPE Type of description (text/html) Char(4) Yes text
RSS_ACTIVE Dynamic export to [link=90640]RSS[/link] is permitted (Y|N). Char(1) Yes Y
RSS_TTL RSS lifetime and interval between generation of RSS files (with enabled RSS_FILE_ACTIVE or RSS_YANDEX_ACTIVE) (hours). Int Yes 24
RSS_FILE_ACTIVE Pre-generate uploading into file. Char(1) Yes N
RSS_FILE_LIMIT Number of elements exported into RSS file (with enabled RSS_FILE_ACTIVE) Int No
RSS_FILE_DAYS Number of days before exporting to RSS file. (with enabled RSS_FILE_ACTIVE). -1 without limit in days. Int No
RSS_YANDEX_ACTIVE Export to RSS file in format applicable for yandex Char(1) Yes N
INDEX_ELEMENT Search indexing for information block elements. Char(1) Yes Y
INDEX_SECTION Search indexing of information block sections. Char(1) Yes N
LIST_MODE Mode of display for list of elements in administrative section (S|C). Char(1) No
RIGHTS_MODE Access permission verification mode (S|E). Char(1) No S
SECTION_PROPERTY Attribute for section property binding (Y|N). Char(1) No
PROPERTY_INDEX Facet index property (N|Y|I). Char(1) No
LAST_CONV_ELEMENT Service field specifying storage space conversion for information block property values. Int No
SOCNET_GROUP_ID Service field to attach to social network group. Int No
SECTIONS_NAME Deprecated. Name of sections. String(100) No
SECTION_NAME Deprecated. Name of section. String(100) No
ELEMENTS_NAME Deprecated. Name of element. String(100) No
ELEMENT_NAME Deprecated. Name of element. String(100) No
Information block is included into workflow (Y|N).
Information block is included into business processes (Y|N).
SECTION_CHOOSERFlag specifying selection of interface for element binding to sections (D|L|P).Char(1)No
VERSIONFlag specifying storage of property values for information block elements (1 - in the general table | 2 - in a separate table).IntYes1
EDIT_FILE_BEFOREFull path to handler file of element fields array before saving at the element editing page.String(255)No
EDIT_FILE_AFTER Full path to display handler file for element editing interface.String(255)Нет

Additional parameters of information blocks.

Field Description Type Req. Default
ELEMENT_NAME Name of element in the singular
String(255) Yes Element
Name of element in the plural
String(255) Yes Elements
ELEMENT_ADD Action to add element
String(255) Yes Add element
ELEMENT_EDIT Action to edit/modify an element
String(255) Yes Modify element
ELEMENT_DELETE Action to delete an element.
String(255) Yes
Delete element
SECTION_NAME Name of section in the singular
String(255) Yes Section
Name of section in the plural
String(255) Yes Sections
SECTION_ADD Action to add a section String(255) Yes Add section
SECTION_EDIT Action to edit/modify section String(255) Yes Изменить раздел
SECTION_DELETE Action to delete a section String(255) Yes
Delete section

Groups (sections) of information blocks (b_iblock_section)

Field Description Type Req. Default
ID Information block group ID. Int Yes
CODE Symbolic ID. String(255) No
External code. String(255) No
IBLOCK_ID Information block ID. Int Yes
IBLOCK_SECTION_ID Parent group ID. Root group is indicated, If not specified. Int Нет
TIMESTAMP_X Date when the last group parameters were modified. Datetime Да Current.
SORT Sorting order (among groups of single parent group). Int Yes 500
NAME Name of group. String(255) Yes
ACTIVE Active state flag (Y|N) Char(1) Yes Y
GLOBAL_ACTIVE Active state flag, considering the Active status of parent groups (Y|N). It is calculated automatically (cannot be modified manually). Char(1) - -
PICTURE Image code in the [link=89836]file table[/link]. To change the image, pass the following array:
$section = new CIBlockSection();
                    $file = CFile::MakeFileArray($pictureId);
                    $result = $section->Update(
                            "PICTURE" => $file,
Int No
DESCRIPTION Group description. Text No
DESCRIPTION_TYPE Type of group description(text/html). Char(4) Yes text
LEFT_MARGIN Left page of the group. Calculated automatically (no manual config). Int - -
RIGHT_MARGIN Right page of the group. Calculated automatically (no manual config). Int - -
DEPTH_LEVEL Group depth level. Calculated automatically (no manual config). Int - -
SEARCHABLE_CONTENT Searchable content when filtering the group. Calculated automatically. Combined from fields NAME and DESCRIPTION (without html tags, if DESCRIPTION_TYPE is specified in html). Text - -
SECTION_PAGE_URL URL for section details page. Determined based on information block parameters. Modified automatically. String(255) - -
MODIFIED_BYUser ID, who was the last to modify an element.IntYesCurrent user.
DATE_CREATEDate who element was created.DatetimeYesCurrent
CREATED_BYUser ID who created an element.IntYesCurrent user.
DETAIL_PICTUREImage code in the file table for detailed viewing.IntNo-
SECTION_PROPERTYShow on the element edit page (Y/N)IntNo-

Elements (b_iblock_element)

Field Description Type Req. Default
ID Element ID. Int Yes
CODE Symbolic ID. String(255) No
External ID. String(255) Yes
NAME Name of element. String(255) Yes/td>
IBLOCK_ID Information block ID. Int Yes
IBLOCK_SECTION_ID Group ID. If not specified, the element is not binded to the group. If element is binded to several groups, this field contains ID of one of the groups. By default, contains binding to the section with the lowest ID.
Int No
Information block ID. String(255) No
ACTIVE Active state flag (Y|N). Char(1) Yes Y
ACTIVE_FROM Date when element became active. Datetime No
ACTIVE_TO Date when element stopped being active. Datetime No
SORT Sorting order for elements among themselves (within limits of one parent group). Int Yes 500
PREVIEW_PICTURE Image code in the [link=89836]file table[/link] for preview. Int No
PREVIEW_TEXT Preview description text. Text No
PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE Type of preview description (text/html). Char(4) Yes text
DETAIL_PICTURE Image code in [link=89836]file table[/link] for detailed viewing. Int Нет
DETAIL_TEXT Detailed description Text
DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE Type of detailed description (text/html). Char(4) Yes text
SEARCHABLE_CONTENT Searchable content for group filtering. Calculated automatically. Combined from NAME and DESCRIPTION fields (without html tags, if DESCRIPTION_TYPE is specified in html). Text - -
DATE_CREATE Date when element was created. Datetime Yes Current.
CREATED_BY [link=89975]User ID[/link], who created element. Int Yes Current user.
CREATED_USER_NAME User name, who created an element (read only).
TIMESTAMP_X Time when element fields were last modified. Datetime Yes Current.
MODIFIED_BY [link=89975]User ID[/link] who was the last to modify an element. Int Yes Current user.
USER_NAME Name of user, who was the last to modify an element. (read only).
LANG_DIR Path to site folder. Determined based on information block parameters. Modified automatically (read only). String(255) - -
LIST_PAGE_URL URL for the page for public viewing with list of information block elements. Determined based on information block parameters. Modified automatically (read only). String(255) - -
DETAIL_PAGE_URL URL for the page for detailed element viewing. Determined based on information block parameters. Modified automatically (read only). String(255) - -
SHOW_COUNTER How many times an element was shown (modified when calling the method CIBlockElement::CounterInc). Int No
SHOW_COUNTER_START Date when element was shown for the first time (modified when calling the method CIBlockElement::CounterInc). Datetime No
WF_COMMENTS Comment by a workflow administrator. Text No
WF_STATUS_ID Code of element status in the workflow. Int Yes 1
LOCK_STATUS Current status of blocking the access to element editing. Can have the following values: red - locked, green - available for editing, yellow - locked by the current user. String -
TAGSElement tags. Used for producing tag cloud by the Search module.String(255)No

Information block elements ( b_iblock_fields)

Field Description Type Req. Default
IBLOCK_ID Information block ID. Int Yes
FIELD_ID Field ID. String(50) Yes
Required (Y|N).
Char(1) No
Default value

Properties for information block elements (b_iblock_property)

Field Description Type Req. Default.
ID Property ID. Int Yes
CODE Property ID. String(50) No
XML_ID Property external ID. String (100) No
IBLOCK_ID Information block ID. Int Yes
NAME Property name. String(100) Yes
ACTIVE Property active status (Y|N). Char(1) Yes Y
Required (Y|N).
Char(1) No
SORT Sorting index. Int Yes 500
PROPERTY_TYPE Property type. Possible values: S - string, N - number, F - file, L - list, E - binding to elements, G - binding to groups. Char(1) Yes S
MULTIPLE Multiple (Y|N). Char(1) Yes N
TIMESTAMP_X Time when property was last modified. Datetime Yes Current.
DEFAULT_VALUE Property value by default (except for property of list L type). String(255) No
ROW_COUNT Number of strings in the property input cell. Int Yes 1
COL_COUNT Number of columns in the property input cell. Int Yes 30
LIST_TYPE Type for list type property (L). Can be "L" - dropdown list or "C" - flags. Char(1) Yes L
MULTIPLE_CNT Number of strings in the dropdown list for properties of "lict" type. Int No
FILE_TYPE List of available extensions for file properties "F"(comma-separated). Char(200) No
SEARCHABLE Indexing of this type of properties. Char(1) Yes N
FILTRABLE Show fields for filtering by this property at the page with element list in the administrative section. Char(1) Yes N
LINK_IBLOCK_IDSpecifies information block ID for binding-to-elements and group properties.IntNo
WITH_DESCRIPTIONAttribute of additional description field for a property value. Only for types S - string, N - number and F - file (Y|N).Char(1)No
VERSIONFlag for storage of iblock element properties (1 - stored in general table | 2 - stored in separate table). (read only).IntYes1
USER_TYPEUser type ID. Administrative section contains extra information on how to display a field for editing (while the "PROPERTY_TYPE" field indicates type of field specifically).

For example, field type "S" (string) can correspond with the following "USER_TYPE" field values and the following interface solutions:

  • none - specifies a simple input field (or when specifies "ROW_COUNT" parameter of more than one - text block textarea)
  • UserID - specifies binding to user
  • DateTime - field to input date and time
  • FileMan - binding to a server file
  • TopicID - binding to forum topic
  • HTML - special field for editing of text or HTML code
  • ElementXmlID - binding to elements by the XML_ID field
  • map_google - binding to a point on Google.Map
  • directory - binding to directory
USER_TYPE_SETTINGS User type settings. Text No
HINT HintCharNo

Variants of values for "list" type properties ( b_iblock_property_enum)

Field Description Type Req. Default
ID ID value for property variant. Int Yes
PROPERTY_ID Property ID. Int Yes
VALUE Property variant value. String(255) Yes
DEF Default value (Y|N). Char(1) No N
SORT Variant sorting order Int No 500
Property variant external code. String(200) Yes Automatic unique ID

Property values (b_iblock_element_property)

Field Description Type Req. Default
ID Property value ID. Int Yes
IBLOCK_PROPERTY_ID Property code. Int Yes
IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID Element code. Int Yes
VALUE Property value. Text Yes
VALUE_TYPE Property value type (text/html). Char(4) Yes text
VALUE_ENUM Property value enum as integer. Int No
VALUE_NUM Property value presentation as floating point number. Float No
DESCRIPTIONAdditional description fieldString(255)No

Information block section property (b_iblock_section_property)

Field Description Type Req. Default
IBLOCK_ID Information block ID. Int Yes
SECTION_ID Section ID. Int Yes
PROPERTY_ID Property ID. Int Yes
SMART_FILTER Show property in smart filter (Y|N). Char(1) No
DISPLAY_TYPE Display in smart filter:
  • A - Number from A to B, with scroll box;
  • B - Number from to;
  • F - Flags;
  • G - Flags with images;
  • H - Flags with names and images;
  • K - Radio button;
  • P - Dropdown list;
  • R - Dropdown list with names and images.
Char(1) No
DISPLAY_EXPANDED Show expanded property In filter (Y|N). Char(1) No
FILTER_HINT Hint in smart filter for visitors. String(255) No

Binding of information blocks to sites (b_iblock_site)

Field Description Type Req. Default
IBLOCK_ID Information block ID. Int Yes
SITE_ID Site ID. Char(2) Yes

Standard access permission mode for an information block (b_iblock_group)

Field Description Type Req. Default
IBLOCK_ID Information block ID. Int Yes
GROUP_ID user group ID. Int Yes
PERMISSION Permission character (the higher value, the larger the scope of access permissions). Char(1) Yes

Access permissions to information block in an expanded access permission mode (b_iblock_right)

Field Description Type Req. Default
ID Identifier. Int Yes
IBLOCK_ID Information block ID. Int Yes
GROUP_CODE Access permissions code (token). String(50) Yes
ENTITY_TYPE Binding entity (IBLOCK|SECTION|ELEMENT). String(32) Yes
ENTITY_ID Binding ID. Int Yes
DO_INHERIT Inheritance atribute (always Y). Char(1) Yes
TASK_ID Access permission level ID. Int Yes
OP_SREAD For optimization. Attribute permitting to read a section (Y|N). Char(1) No
OP_EREAD For optimization. Attribute permitting to read an element (Y|N). Char(1) No
XML_ID Internal field.

Expanded access permissions for sections. Automatic table (b_iblock_section_right).

Field Description Type Req. Default
IBLOCK_ID Information block ID. Int Yes
SECTION_ID ID раздела. Int Yes
RIGHT_ID Access permission ID (b_iblock_right.ID). Int Yes
IS_INHERITED Inheritance attribute (Y|N). Char(1) Yes

Expanded access permissions for elements. Automatic table (b_iblock_element_right).

Field Description Type Req. Default
IBLOCK_ID Information block ID. Int Yes
SECTION_ID Section ID. Int Yes
ELEMENT_ID Element ID. Int Yes
RIGHT_ID Acces permission ID (b_iblock_right.ID). Int Yes
IS_INHERITED Inheritance attribute (Y|N). Char(1) Yes

Binding of elements to sections. Automatic table (b_iblock_section_element).

Field Description Type Req. Default
ADDITIONAL_PROPERTY_ID Attribute of binding via additional property (Y|N). Char(1) Yes

Blocking of elements. Used by the Workflows module (b_iblock_element_lock).

Field Description Type Req. Default
DATE_LOCK Date when element was blocked. Datetime Yes
LOCKED_BY Who blocked the element. String(32) Yes

Table of sequence generators for Counter type property. Automatic (b_iblock_sequence).

Field Description Type Req. Default
IBLOCK_ID Information block ID. Int Yes
CODE Counter ID. String(50) Yes
SEQ_VALUE Counter value. Int Yes

SEO property (b_iblock_iproperty)

Field Description Type Req. Default
ID Identifier. Int Yes
IBLOCK_ID Information block ID. Int Yes
CODE Property ID. String(50) Yes
ENTITY_TYPE Binding type (B|S|E). Char(1) Yes
ENTITY_ID Binding ID. Int Yes
TEMPLATE Template for calculating property values. Text Yes

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