Attention!When an information block participates in a workflow, the event is called twice for both an element and its copy. To avoid a repeated calling, its recommended to check the element when its already within an event and to decide whether to continue processing it further, or not. The element can be checked via the field WF_PARENT_ELEMENT_ID.
In some cases, (for example, in the event OnAfterIBlockElementAdd) this field cannot be used directly: the element field WF_PARENT_ELEMENT_ID is not empty and contains the same ID in both calling attempts. In this case, you must compare WF_PARENT_ELEMENT_ID with element ID and if they match, its the original element of two.
Event | is Called | Method | Available from version |
OnBeforeIBlockAdd | before adding an information block (iblock). | CIBlock::CheckFields | |
OnAfterIBlockAdd | after adding an iblock. | Add | |
OnBeforeIBlockUpdate | before modifying an iblock. | CIBlock::CheckFields | |
OnAfterIBlockUpdate | after modifying an iblock. | Update | |
OnBeforeIBlockDelete | before deleting an iblock. | Delete | |
OnIBlockDelete | when deleting an iblock. | Delete | |
OnBeforeIBlockPropertyAdd | before adding a property. | CIBlockProperty::CheckFields | |
OnAfterIBlockPropertyAdd | after adding a property. | Add | |
OnBeforeIBlockPropertyUpdate | before modifying a property. | CIBlockProperty::CheckFields | |
OnIBlockPropertyDelete | when deleting a property. | Delete | |
OnAfterIBlockPropertyUpdate | after modifying a property. | Update | |
OnBeforeIBlockPropertyDelete | before deleting a property. | Delete | |
OnIBlockPropertyBuildList | when building a property list. | GetUserType | |
OnBeforeIBlockSectionAdd | before adding a section. | CIBlockSection::CheckFields | |
OnAfterIBlockSectionAdd | after adding a section. | Add | |
OnBeforeIBlockSectionUpdate | before modifying a section. | CIBlockSection::CheckFields | |
OnAfterIBlockSectionUpdate | after modifying a section. | Update | |
OnBeforeIBlockSectionDelete | before deleting a section. | Delete | |
OnAfterIBlockSectionDelete | after deleting a section. | Delete | |
OnBeforeIBlockElementAdd | before adding an element. | CIBlockElement::CheckFields | |
OnStartIBlockElementAdd | when starting to add an element. | CIBlockElement::CheckFields | |
OnAfterIBlockElementAdd | after adding an element. | Add | |
OnBeforeIBlockElementUpdate | before modifying an element. | CIBlockElement::CheckFields | |
OnStartIBlockElementUpdate | when starting to add modifying an element. | CIBlockElement::CheckFields | |
OnAfterIBlockElementUpdate | after modifying an element. | Update | |
OnBeforeIBlockElementDelete | before deleting an element. | Delete | |
OnAfterIBlockElementDelete | after deleting an element. | Delete | |
OnIBlockElementDelete | when deleting an iblock element. | Delete | |
OnBeforeEventLog | before entering a record into log. | Update | |
OnSearchGetFileContent | when searching a file. | CIBlockElement::__GetFileContent | |
GetAuditTypesIblock | when returning description to an event log | CEventIBlock::GetAuditTypes | |
OnAdminSubContextMenuShow | similar to OnAdminContextMenuShow for SKU list | CAdminSubContextMenu::Show | |
OnAdminSubListDisplay | similar to OnAdminListDisplay for SKU list | CAdminSubList::Display | |
OnAfterIBlockElementSetPropertyValues | after saving values of all element properties by the method CIBlockElement::SetPropertyValues. | CIBlockElement::SetPropertyValues | |
OnAfterIBlockElementSetPropertyValuesEx | after saving element property values by the method CIBlockElement::SetPropertyValuesEx. | CIBlockElement::SetPropertyValuesEx | |
OnIBlockElementAdd | when adding an iblock element. | CIBlockElement::Add | |
OnIBlockElementUpdate | when modifying an iblock element. | CIBlockElement::Update | |
OnIBlockElementSetPropertyValues | when saving properties of an iblock element. | CIBlockElement::SetPropertyValues | |
OnIBlockElementSetPropertyValuesEx | before database modifications after entered data validation. | CIBlockElement::SetPropertyValuesEx |
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