

Enables the work with the PHP class CTaskItem. ctaskitem may also be used instead of item.
Method Description
task.item.add Creates new task.
task.item.getdata Returns task data array.
task.item.update Updates task information.
task.item.delete Deletes task.
task.item.getdescription Returns task description.
task.item.getmanifest Shows list of methods.
task.item.getdependson Returns an array of parent task IDs.
task.item.getallowedactions Returns an array of IDs of allowed task actions.
task.item.getallowedtaskactionsasstrings Returns an array whose keys are action names and values show whether action is allowed.
task.item.isactionallowed Asserts whether action is allowed.
task.item.delegate Delegates task to new user.
task.item.startexecution Changes task status to "In Progress".
task.item.defer Changes task status to "Deferred".
task.item.complete Changes task status to "Completed" or "Supposedly completed (requires creator's attention)".
task.item.renew Changes task status to "Pending".
task.item.approve Changes status of task, waiting for confirmation to "Completed".
task.item.disapprove Changes status of task, waiting for confirmation to "Pending".
task.item.list Returns an array of tasks, each of which contains a fields array (similar to the array, returned by task.item.getdata).
task.item.addtofavorite Adds task to Favourites.
task.item.deletefromfavorite Deletes task from Favorites.
task.logitem.list Returns tasks log.


To get tags for a specific task, set the parameter /rest/task.item.gettags.xml?TASK_ID=3&auth=18tci5kga6v12g8okzm5r26sv0n9is84. The request can be both ID and TASK_ID. It is essential for this parameter to be the first one. Returns {"result":["TAG1","TAG2","ETC..."]}.

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