
Template Introduction

Partner templates provide the option to add a customized template to a site or page wizard. Developer can easily create a custom site and share it with clients. See below for further details on how to do it.

  1. First, create a site and pages (or a site based on one page). Then, configure links both inside a single page and between multiple pages. You can start from scratch or use finished templates, available in the standard product suite.

    Attention! Please, be advised that seveal templates are configured based on an old API version and can be exported incorrectly. Presently, a system update is in development to remedy this situation.

  2. Call the method in your account and save its result in a storage, a json-file, for example.
  3. Call the method landing.demos.register when installing your application and pass this array for it. Array format is not described and configured at the developer's discretion.
  4. You do not have enough blocks, you can commission layout from specializing parties or use the offered additional blocks of the vendor.

Important notes:

  • When site consists of a single page, a template will be added during installation (item 3) to both site and page wizards. Otherwise, the template will be added to site wizard only.
  • If you have exported to an online store, the template will appear only in online stores. If you exported to a site, only sites will have the template. Exceptions are the single-page sites which are added to page wizard templates within an online store.
  • If a partner block is located on the page that you created, make sure in advance that all blocks are already registered in the system when calling landing.demos.register.
  • When deleting an app, the app templates and blocks are also deleted, with exception of pages which were created based on templates.

Preview URL

This link is shown in the template preview when selected by the user. You can get the link to register template as follows:

  1. Create site/page based on this template in the Bitrix24 Cloud. The page must have minimum differences from the template registered by you to avoid questions from user that creates sites and pages.
  2. If this site has multiple pages, only main page is sufficient.
  3. Publish the site and specify the received link in the "Preview URL" field.

Attention! Track activity of your account to prevent automatic deletion that leads to deleted preview links as well. Simultaneously, your solutions are also deleted.


Images are saved in the template as absolute links to your URL address (the address used by you to export the template). These images will link to your address until a user will change them to his/her own.

Color palette

When your site has multiple pages, it is strongly recommended to create all site pages within one of the themes.

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