Breadcrumb and title
No special parameters are required in the manifest for this type of block. Any block can become a breadcrumb or a title and it requires only a marker in the block content:
Marker: #title#
Replaced by the current page title that depends on the page name, but can be re-defined by components inside page blocks or by an external solution.
Example of a block with title:
<section class="landing-block g-pt-20 g-pb-20"> <div class="landing-title-container container g-font-size-12"> #title# </div> </section>
Marker: #breadcrumb#
This marker is replaced with a breadcrumb - sequence of links from the main to the current page. Generally, the actual use of breadcrumb is manifested when handling dynamic content and branched structure.
Directly modifying the breadcrumb layout is not available in the Bitrix24 cloud versions.
Example of block with a breadcrumb:
<section class="landing-block g-pt-20 g-pb-20"> <div class="landing-breadcrumb-container container g-font-size-12"> #breadcrumb# </div> </section>
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