Edits existing event.
Returned value
Returns edited event ID.
Parameter | Description |
* id | Event ID. |
* type | Calendar type. |
* ownerId | Calendar owner ID. |
from | Selection start date. |
to | Selection end date. |
from_ts | May be set instead of from. |
to_ts | May be set instead of to. |
* section | Section ID. |
* name | Event name. |
skip_time | [Y|N] Date value does not include time. |
timezone_from | Timezone for event start date and time. Default value - current user timezone. |
timezone_to | Timezone for event end date and time. Default value - current user timezone. |
description | Event description. |
color | Event background color. |
text_color | Event text color. |
accessibility | Availability during event:
importance | Event priority:
private_event | [Y|N] Private event. |
rrule | Event recurrence. |
is_meeting | [Y|N] Meeting with attendees. |
location | Location. |
remind | Event reminder:
attendees | List of event attendees (when is_meeting == "Y"). |
host | Event host (owner). |
meeting | Parameter array, including the following:
* - required parameters |
BX24.callMethod("calendar.event.update", { id: 699 type: 'user', ownerId: '2', name: 'Changed Event Name', description: 'New description for event', from: '2013-06-17', to: '2013-06-17', skipTime: 'Y', section: 5, color: '#9cbe1c', text_color: '#283033', accessibility: 'free', importance: 'normal', is_meeting: 'N', private_event: 'Y', remind: [{type: 'min', count: 10}] });
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