
Wizard folder structure

The wizard folder contains the following subfolders and files:

  • The file wizard.php in which all of the wizard steps are defined. This file is required;

  • The file .description.php, file containing the wizard name, description and other properties. This file is required;

  • The lang subfolder contains localized message strings for use by the wizard. Each string set is saved in a subfolder named by the language abbreviation. There is a general rule that must be followed: if a wizard’s .php file uses localized messages, a corresponding message localization file must exist beneath the /lang/lng_code/ subfolder. The message localization file must have the same file name as the wizard file, and must mirror the subfolder hierarchy. For example, a German localization file for /wizard.php must be saved to /lang/de/wizard.php. The lang folder may not exist if the wizard does not use language-dependent messages;

  • Any other files and folders required by the wizard. Notice that all such resources must reside within the wizard folder.

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