
Wizard files and folders

All wizards are located in the folder /bitrix/wizards/. Wizards are not supported by the /local folder for custom developments.

The standard (supplied with the system) wizards have the permanent, hard-coded location in /bitrix/wizards/bitrix/. This folder may and will be changed by the SiteUpdate system and must not be modified by users. The custom wizards can be saved to any subfolder of the /bitrix/wizards/ folder or directly inside the /bitrix/wizards/ directory.

The name of a subfolder of /bitrix/wizards/ creates a wizard namespace. For example, all the standard wizards reside in the bitrix namespace. When developing your custom wizard, create a new namespace and put the wizard files in the wizard folder. The full wizard name includes the namespace identifier and has the format "". For example: "bitrix:sale.install". If a wizard is outside any namespace, the namespace is omitted, like "sale.install".

The wizards are located each in a separate folder, or repository which makes the website structure more integrated and comprehensive. The folder is available for HTTP requests enabling the wizard to access any required resources. A wizard stores all of its resource files in the wizard namespace folder, which provides for complete portability: a wizard can be easily shared between projects. All wizards are atomic.

Attention! Files access to which is forbidden must start with the following code:
<?if(!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED!==true)die();?>

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