Showing rating vote (
Description and parameters
Component is designed to print elements of rating vote and its current results. This component is hidden, it cannot be used via visual editor.
Call example
<?$APPLICATION->IncludeComponent("","", Array( "ENTITY_TYPE_ID" => "FORUM_POST", "ENTITY_ID" => "1023", "OWNER_ID" => "4", "USER_HAS_VOTED" => "Y", "TOTAL_VOTES" => "18", "TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES" => "12", "TOTAL_NEGATIVE_VOTES" => "6", "TOTAL_VALUE" => "6", "PATH_TO_USER_PROFILE" => "/people/user/#USER_ID#/", ), null, array("HIDE_ICONS" => "Y") );?>
Parameter description
Field | Parameter | Description |
Vote object | ENTITY_TYPE_ID | Indicates object name subjected to a vote
Vote object identifier | ENTITY_ID | Object ID. |
Object user - owner ID | OWNER_ID | User ID. Blocks vote for oneself. |
Path to user profiles | PATH_TO_USER_PROFILE | Path to user profile, for example /people/user/#USER_ID#/ (#USER_ID#, #user_id#, #UID# - variable for user ID replacement). |
Vote flag | USER_HAS_VOTED* | [Y|N] Object vote status by current user. |
Number of votes | TOTAL_VOTES* | Number of votes submitted to object. |
Number of "positive" votes | TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES* | Number of positive votes. |
Number of "negative" votes | TOTAL_NEGATIVE_VOTES* | Number of negative votes. |
Vote result | TOTAL_VALUE* | Final vote result. |
User vote weight | USER_VOTE* | User vote significance. |
Additional information
If do not indicate parameters marked by an asterisk (*), the data will be uploaded automatically. It's recommended to indicate parameters for cases of multiple component calls (for example, in the comment list).
Data retrieval must use CRatings::GetRatingVoteResult or API for the following modules:
- Information blocks: CIBlockElement::GetList
- Blogs: CBlogPost::GetList
Data that can be retrieved by using GetList for specified modules:
Parameter | Description |
RATING_TOTAL_VALUE | Total vote result. |
RATING_TOTAL_VOTES | Number of votes, submitted to object. |
RATING_TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES | Number of positive votes. |
RATING_TOTAL_NEGATIVE_VOTES | Number of negative votes. |
RATING_USER_VOTE_VALUE | Current user vote weight. |
See Also:
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