Returns list of blog posts by the arFilter, sorted by the arOrder. Non-static method.
Note: filtration by the category ID is performed as follows: CATEGORY_ID_F. As a result, the category IDs, separated by commas, will be retrieved.
Method parameters
Array for sorting of the result. Array of the array("sorting field"=>"sorting direction" [, ...]) type
Field for sorting can have the following values:
ID - blog post ID;
TITLE - blog post header;
BLOG_ID - blog ID;
active blog attribute
Standard GetList selects entries from inactive blogs as well. To exclude inactive blogs from GetList results, specify as follows: $arFilter = Array ( "BLOG_ACTIVE" => "Y" );
AUTHOR_ID - blog post author ID;
DETAIL_TEXT - blog post text;
DATE_CREATE - date when blog post is created;
DATE_PUBLISH - date when blog post is published;
KEYWORDS - blog post keywords;
PUBLISH_STATUS - blog post publication status;
ATRIBUTE - blog post attributes;
ENABLE_TRACKBACK - specifies whether trackbacks are enabled for the post;
ENABLE_COMMENTS - specifies whether comments are enabled to this post;
NUM_COMMENTS - contains number of comments;
NUM_TRACKBACKS - contains number of trackbacks;
AUTHOR_LOGIN - blog post author login;
AUTHOR_NAME - blog post author name;
AUTHOR_LAST_NAME - blog post author last name;
AUTHOR_EMAIL - blog post author email;
VIEWS — sorting by the number of views.
Optional. By default, filtering is performed by descension of the blog post ID.
Array of the array("filtered field"=>"filter value" [, ...]) type.
Filtered field can have the following values:
ID - blog post ID;
TITLE - blog post header;
BLOG_ID - blog ID;
AUTHOR_ID - blog post author ID;
DETAIL_TEXT - blog post text;
DATE_CREATE - date when blog post is created;
DATE_PUBLISH - date when blog post is published;
DATE_PUBLISH_DAY - day when blog post is published;
DATE_PUBLISH_MONTH - month when blog post is published;
DATE_PUBLISH_YEAR - year when blog post is published;
KEYWORDS - blog post keywords;
PUBLISH_STATUS - blog post [link=90538]publication status[/link];
CATEGORY_ID_F - blog post category ID;
ATRIBUTE - blog post attributes;
ENABLE_TRACKBACK - specifies whether trackbacks are enabled for the blog post;
ENABLE_COMMENTS - specifies whether comments are enabled for the comment;
NUM_COMMENTS - contains number of comments;
NUM_TRACKBACKS - contains number of trackbacks;
AUTHOR_LOGIN - blog post author login;
AUTHOR_NAME - blog post author name;
AUTHOR_LAST_NAME - blog post author last name;
AUTHOR_EMAIL - blog post author email;
VIEWS — sorting by the number of views.
Type of filtration can be specified in front of the name of filtered field:
"!" - not equal
"<" - less
"<=" - less or equal
">" - more
">=" - more or equal
"filter values" - single value or an array.
Optional. `By default, records are not filtered.
Array of fields by which the records are grouped. The array has the following structure:
Any field can be specified as "field_nameN". The following can be specified as aggregate function:
COUNT - number count;
AVG - average value calculation;
MIN - minimal value calculation;
MAX - maximum value calculation;
SUM - sum calculation.
If the array is empty, the method will return the number of records that satisfy the filter.
Optional. By default - false - means that the result will not be grouped.
Array of selection parameters. Can contain the following keys:
"nTopCount" - number of records returned by the method will be limited from above by the value of this key
any key, accepted by the CDBResult::NavQuery method as the third parameter.
Optional. By default - false - means that there are no sample parameters.
Array of record fields, which will be returned by the method. Only those fields that are needed can be specified. If there is a "*" value present in the array - all available fields will be returned.
Optional. By default - empty array() - means that all fields of the request's main table will be returned.
Note: Filtering by published status cannot be passed into the component. To do that, you must copy the standard component to your namespace and manually specify the verification of published status.
// select all published blog posts for all blogs for April 2007
// which have more then two comments
$SORT = Array("DATE_PUBLISH" => "DESC", "NAME" => "ASC");
$arFilter = Array(
"DATE_PUBLISH_YEAR" => '2007',
$dbPosts = CBlogPost::GetList(
while ($arPost = $dbPosts->Fetch())
// select all blog posts of the blog with the title that includes the word "movie".
$arFilter = Array ( "~TITLE" => "%movie%" );