
User Fields Embedding

Applications that have access to placement scope can register their own types of user fields.

Presently, Cloud-based accounts support the operation of such fields in an old- and new-format CRM entity details. Applications can create user fields of standard types as well as those, that are registered by this application. Account administrators can create fields of any registered types, including field types, registered by applications. When registering a field type, application specifies address of the handler, which will open in the frame at the field output. Further operation practically has no differences from the operation of a typical setup.

Method Description Available from version
userfieldtype.add Registers new type of user fields.
userfieldtype.list Retrieves list of user field types, registered by application.
userfieldtype.update Modifies settings of user field type, registrered by application.
userfieldtype.delete Deletes user field type, registered by application.

Additional information

1. You can find more details on embedding user/custom fields in this learning course

2. You have registered a new type of custom fields. On attempting to create a field with new type:

  1. userfieldtype.list return new type of custom field
  2. and, nevertheless, we have an error: Error! 400: ERROR_CORE: Incorrect custom type. (400)

, it means that the application Local applications are described and added directly to a specific Bitrix24 instance.

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hasn't been completely installed. Invoke the method and make sure that result has returned INSTALLED = true. In case this GUI-based app, to complete the installation you need to execute the following JS code at the app page:


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