list of constants
CTasks constants
Constant | Description | Numeric values |
CTasks::METASTATE_VIRGIN_NEW | New task (not viewed). | -2 |
CTasks::METASTATE_EXPIRED | Task is overdue. | -1 |
CTasks::METASTATE_EXPIRED_SOON | Task is almost overdue. | -3 |
CTasks::STATE_NEW | New task. (Not used) | 1 |
CTasks::STATE_PENDING | Task is accepted by the responsible user. (Not used) | 2 |
CTasks::STATE_IN_PROGRESS | Task completion is in progress. | 3 |
CTasks::STATE_SUPPOSEDLY_COMPLETED | Provisionally completed (awaits to be checked by the responsible user). | 4 |
CTasks::STATE_COMPLETED | Task is completed. | 5 |
CTasks::STATE_DEFERRED | Task is postponed. | 6 |
CTasks::STATE_DECLINED | Task is declined by the responsible user. (Not used) | 7 |
Constant | Description |
CTasks::PRIORITY_LOW | Low priority. |
CTasks::PRIORITY_AVERAGE | Normal priority. |
CTasks::PRIORITY_HIGH | High priority. |
CTaskItem constants
Actions with task (to verify rights)
Constant | Description |
CTaskItem::ACTION_ACCEPT | Accepting the task (status change to CTasks::STATE_PENDING). |
CTaskItem::ACTION_DECLINE | Declining the task (status change in CTasks::STATE_DECLINED). |
CTaskItem::ACTION_COMPLETE | Completing the task (Status change in CTasks::STATE_COMPLETED, either in CTasks::STATE_SUPPOSEDLY_COMPLETED — if the task creator requires control over the task and the task is completed by the user who didn't created the task). |
CTaskItem::ACTION_APPROVE | Approval for the task that must be managed (switch from status CTasks::STATE_SUPPOSEDLY_COMPLETED to CTasks::STATE_COMPLETED). |
CTaskItem::ACTION_DISAPPROVE | Active standby for the task that must be managed (switch from CTasks::STATE_SUPPOSEDLY_COMPLETED status to CTasks::STATE_NEW or CTasks::STATE_PENDING, it the responsible user is the subordinate of the task creator). |
CTaskItem::ACTION_START | Switching of the task into "in progress" status (CTasks::STATE_IN_PROGRESS). |
CTaskItem::ACTION_DELEGATE | Delegating the task to a subordinate. |
CTaskItem::ACTION_REMOVE | Deleting the task. |
CTaskItem::ACTION_EDIT | Editing the task. |
CTaskItem::ACTION_DEFER | Postponing of the task (switching into the CTasks::STATE_DEFERRED status). |
CTaskItem::ACTION_RENEW | Return of the task into "New" (CTasks::STATE_NEW) or "Accepted" status(CTasks::STATE_PENDING, if the responsible user is the subordinate of the task creator). |
CTaskItem::ACTION_CREATE | Creating the task. |
CTaskItem::ACTION_CHANGE_DEADLINE | Changing the task deadline. |
User roles in the task (for rights check)
Constant | Description |
CTaskItem::ROLE_NOT_A_MEMBER | This user is not a participant of the task. |
CTaskItem::ROLE_DIRECTOR | Task creator. |
CTaskItem::ROLE_RESPONSIBLE | Responsible user. |
CTaskItem::ROLE_ACCOMPLICE | Task participant. |
CTaskItem::ROLE_AUDITOR | Task observer. |
Description format (when receiving task description)
Constant | Description |
CTaskItem::DESCR_FORMAT_RAW | "As is" format - can be HTML and BBCode, depending on the task. |
CTaskItem::DESCR_FORMAT_HTML | HTML format. If the task description has BBCode format, then it will be automatically converted into HTML. If it is already has HTML format, then sanitizer will be applied in accordance with the settings in the task module. |
CTaskItem::DESCR_FORMAT_PLAIN_TEXT | "Text Only" format. All HTML/BB tags will be removed. |
CTaskItem constants
IDs for pre-defined sets of filters
Constant | Description |
CTaskFilterCtrl::ROOT_PRESET | Pseudo-set, does not have conditions. It the parent element for all the rest of filter sets. |
CTaskFilterCtrl::STD_PRESET_ACTIVE_MY_TASKS | "My tasks". |
CTaskFilterCtrl::STD_PRESET_ACTIVE_I_AM_DOER | "Presets that active for me". |
CTaskFilterCtrl::STD_PRESET_ACTIVE_I_AM_ORIGINATOR | "Presets created by me". |
CTaskFilterCtrl::STD_PRESET_ACTIVE_I_AM_AUDITOR | "Presets that I audit". |
CTaskFilterCtrl::STD_PRESET_DEFERRED_MY_TASKS | "Postponed presets for me". |
CTaskFilterCtrl::STD_PRESET_COMPLETED_MY_TASKS | "Completed". |
CTaskFilterCtrl::STD_PRESET_ACTIVE_I_AM_RESPONSIBLE | "Active presets that I am responsible for". |
CTaskFilterCtrl::STD_PRESET_ACTIVE_I_AM_ACCOMPLICE | "Presets for which I am responsible for". |
CTaskFilterCtrl::STD_PRESET_ALL_MY_TASKS | "All my presets". |
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