hander function( array site_path, array permissions );The event OnChangePermissions fires when access permissions to a file or folder are updated via the method $APPLICATION->SetFileAccessPermission.
Parameter | Description |
site_path | Array type: array("site ID", "path to file relative to this site root"). |
permissions | Array of access permissions. |
See Also
<? // file /bitrix/modules/search/classes/mysql/search.php class CSearch extends CAllSearch { // create the event handler "OnChangePermissions" public static function OnChangeFilePermissions($path, $permission) { CMain::InitPathVars($site, $path); $DOC_ROOT = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site); while(strlen($path)>0 && $path[strlen($path)-1]=="/") //cut off / at the end, if available $path=substr($path, 0, strlen($path)-1); global $APPLICATION, $DB; if(file_exists($DOC_ROOT.$path)) { @set_time_limit(300); $arGroups = CSearch::GetGroupCached(); if(is_dir($DOC_ROOT.$path)) { $handle = @opendir($DOC_ROOT.$path); while($file = @readdir($handle)) { if($file == "." || $file == "..") continue; if(is_dir($DOC_ROOT.$path."/".$file)) { if($path."/".$file=="/bitrix") continue; } CSearch::OnChangeFilePermissions(Array($site, $path."/".$file), Array()); } } else //if(is_dir($DOCUMENT_ROOT.$path)) { $strGPerm = "0"; for($i=0; $i<count($arGroups); $i++) { if($arGroups[$i]>1) { $p = $APPLICATION->GetFileAccessPermission(Array($site, $path), Array($arGroups[$i])); if($p>="R") { $strGPerm .= ",".$arGroups[$i]; if($arGroups[$i]==2) break; } } } $r = $DB->Query("SEL ECT ID FR OM b_search_content WHERE MODULE_ID='main' AND ITEM_ID='".$site."|".$path."'"); while($arR = $r->Fetch()) $DB->Query("DELETE FR OM b_search_content_group WH ERE SEARCH_CONTENT_ID=".$arR["ID"]); $strSql = "INS ERT INTO b_search_content_group(SEARCH_CONTENT_ID, GROUP_ID) ". "SELE CT S.ID, G.ID ". "FR OM b_search_content S, b_group G ". "WH ERE MODULE_ID='main' ". " AND ITEM_ID='".$site."|".$path."' ". " AND G.ID IN (".$strGPerm.") "; $DB->Query($strSql); } //if(is_dir($DOCUMENT_ROOT.$path)) }//if(file_exists($DOCUMENT_ROOT.$path)) } } ?>
Example of handler function registration:
<? // register the event handler "OnChangePermissions" RegisterModuleDependences("main", "OnChangePermissions", "search", "CSearch", "OnChangeFilePermissions"); ?>
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