
CBlogUser Class

CBlogUser class handles user blogs.

Method Description Available from version
Add Adds a blog user.
Delete Deletes a blog user.
GetByID Returns a blog user by his/her ID.
GetList Returns a blog user list by the filter.
Update Updates blog user parameters.
GetUserFriendsList Returns a list of blog finds messages.
CanUserUpdateUser Verifies - if the blog user can modify information about him/herself.
DeleteFromUserGroup Deletes a blog user from a blog user group.
AddToUserGroup Adds a blog user to a blog user group.
SetLastVisit Registers a visit of blog user in his/her profile.
GetUserFriends Returns a list of friends for the blog user or a list of blog users that have the current user included as a friend.
GetUserGroups Returns list of blog groups that the blog user has joined.
GetUserPerms Returns level of access permissions for the blog user.
GetUserName Returns name of the user user to be displayed in the public section.
PreparePath Returns path to a blog user profile.
GetUserIP Returns a user IP-address.

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