bizproc.task.list returns list of workflow tasks. Not only administrators can access this method. Usual user can request his/her own tasks or tasks of his/her subordinate. To request personal tasks, non-administrator should not specify filter for USER_ID
Parameter |
Description |
Value by default |
Array of record fields, which can be returned by the method. Only the needed fields can be specified. Available fields:
ID - task ID;
WORKFLOW_ID - workflow ID;
DOCUMENT_NAME - document name;
DESCRIPTION - task description;
NAME - task name;
MODIFIED - date of modificaiton;
WORKFLOW_STARTED - date of workflow launch;
WORKFLOW_STARTED_BY - who launched the workflow;
OVERDUE_DATE - deadline;
WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_ID - workflow template ID;
WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_NAME - workflow template name;
WORKFLOW_STATE - workflow status;
STATUS - task status:
0 - in progress;
1 - approved (Yes response);
2 - rejected (Noresponse);
3 - completed (Ok response);
4 - time-out (task completion time has expired).
USER_ID - user ID;
USER_STATUS - User response:
0 - waiting for response;
1 - yes (approved);
2 - no (rejected);
3 - ok (completed).
MODULE_ID - module ID (for document);
ENTITY - entity ID (for document);
DOCUMENT_ID - document ID.
ACTIVITY - task type ID, string, value options:
ApproveActivity - Document approval
ReviewActivity - Document review
RequestInformationActivity - Additional data request
RequestInformationOptionalActivity - Additional data request (with rejection)
PARAMETERS - task parameters, array, which can contain the following information:
CommentLabelMessage - "Comment" field name;
CommentRequired - defines if comment is required. Accessible values: N (no), Y (yes), YA (yes, during confirmation), YR (yes, during rejection);
ShowComment - Show comment, Y/N;
TaskButtonMessage - "Reviewed" button text;
TaskButton1Message - "Approve" button text;
TaskButton2Message - "Reject" button text;
Important: 'MODULE', 'ENTITY', 'DOCUMENT_ID', 'DOCUMENT_URL' - are always returned.
Array type {"filtered_field": "filter value" [, ...]} . List of filtered fields is the same as for the SELECT parameter.
Type of filtration can be specified in front of filtered field:
"!" - not equal;
"<" - less;
"<=" - less or equal;
">" - more;
">=" - more or equal.
If USER_ID is present in the filter, user subordination is checked. Manager can request list of tasks for his/her subordinates. Administrator can request all tasks without limitations. |
Array for results sorting. Array type {"sorting_field": 'sorting direction' [, ...]} . List of field for sorting is the same as for the SELECT parameter.
Sorting direction can have the following values:
asc - by ascension;
desc - by descension.
{'ID': 'desc'}
select: [
order: {ID: 'DESC'},
filter: {'USER_ID': 1}
alert("Error: " + result.error());