bizproc.workflow.instances returns list of launched workflows.
Parameter | Description | Value by default |
SELECT | Array of record fields to be returned by the method. Only those fields that are necessary can be specified. Accessible fields:
FILTER | Array type Type of filtration can be specified in front of the name of filtered field:
Array for result sorting. Array type Sorting direction can have the following values:
BX24.callMethod( 'bizproc.workflow.instances', { select: ['ID', 'MODIFIED', 'OWNED_UNTIL', 'MODULE_ID', 'ENTITY', 'DOCUMENT_ID', 'STARTED', 'STARTED_BY', 'TEMPLATE_ID'], order: {STARTED: 'DESC'}, filter: {'>STARTED_BY': 0} }, function(result) { if(result.error()) alert("Error: " + result.error()); else console.log(; } );