Add an invoice-creating activity based on a lead or deal
This example demonstrates how you can generate your own activity in Bitrix24 that creates an invoice based on a lead or deal
Attention! To use this example, you need to configure CRest class and connect file crest.php inside files that use this class details.
update path $handlerUrl for a file that registers an activity with your path for the file executing the activity :
$handlerUrl = 'https://yourdomain.yyy/handler.php';
$result = CRest::call(
'CODE' => 'activityAccount',
'HANDLER' => $handlerUrl,
'AUTH_USER_ID' => 1,
'NAME' => 'ActivityAccount',
'DESCRIPTION' => 'description',
'account_title' => [
'Name' => 'Format account title',
'Description' => '',
'Type' => 'string',
'Required' => 'Y',
'Multiple' => 'N',
'Default' => 'Account title',
'my_company_id' => [
'Name' => 'My Company id',
'Description' => '',
'Type' => 'int',
'Required' => 'Y',
'Multiple' => 'N',
'Default' => '1',
'pay_system_id' => [
'Name' => 'Pay system id',
'Description' => '',
'Type' => 'int',
'Required' => 'Y',
'Multiple' => 'N',
'Default' => '1',
activity handler with path you have specified in the variable $handlerUrl above:
$my_company_id = intVal($_REQUEST['properties']['my_company_id']);
$pay_system_id = intVal($_REQUEST['properties']['pay_system_id']);//some in CRest::call('sale.paysystem.list')
$account_title = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['properties']['account_title']);
$arDocument = $_REQUEST['document_id'];
$iDealID = 0;
$iLeadID = 0;
if (is_array($arDocument))
foreach ($arDocument as $param)
{//search id
if (strpos($param, 'DEAL_') !== false)
$iDealID = intVal(substr($param, strlen('DEAL_')));
elseif (strpos($param, 'LEAD_') !== false)
$iLeadID = intVal(substr($param, strlen('LEAD_')));
if ($iDealID > 0)
$result = CRest::call(
'id' => $iDealID
if (!empty($result['result']))
$arData = $result['result'];
$resultProduct = CRest::call(
'id' => $iDealID
elseif ($iLeadID > 0)
$result = CRest::call(
'id' => $iLeadID
if (!empty($result['result']))
$arData = $result['result'];
$resultProduct = CRest::call(
'id' => $iLeadID
if (!empty($arData['COMPANY_ID']) || !empty($arData['CONTACT_ID']))
if (empty($resultProduct['result']))
{//if the deal or lead has no products
$resultProduct['result'][] = [
'ID' => 0,
'PRODUCT_ID' => 0,
'PRODUCT_NAME' => $account_title,
'QUANTITY' => 1,
'PRICE' => ($arData['OPPORTUNITY'])?:0,
$arProduct = [];
foreach ($resultProduct['result'] as $product)
$arProduct[] = [
'ID' => $product['ID'],
'PRODUCT_ID' => $product['PRODUCT_ID'],
'QUANTITY' => $product['QUANTITY'],
'PRICE' => $product['PRICE']
$resultInvoice = CRest::call(
'fields' => [
'ORDER_TOPIC' => $account_title,
'UF_DEAL_ID' => $arData['ID'],
'UF_MYCOMPANY_ID' => $my_company_id,
'PERSON_TYPE_ID' => ($arData['COMPANY_ID'] > 0) ? 1 : 2,//1 is company, 2 is contact in CRest::call('crm.persontype.list')
'PAY_SYSTEM_ID' => $pay_system_id,
"STATUS_ID" => "N",
'DATE_PAY_BEFORE' => date(DATE_ATOM, time() + 3600 * 24 * 20),//20 day pay
'PRODUCT_ROWS' => $arProduct,
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