

This method returns current user workday settings.


USER_IDUser ID. Optional, by default, current user settings are returned.

Response field

Field ValueDescriptionNote
ADMINtrue|falseSpecifies if the user has rights to manage other users' workdaysReturned only for the current user
UF_TIMEMANtrue|falseSpecifies if Time Management is enabled for the user
UF_TM_FREEtrue|falseSpecifies if flexible working schedule is enabled for a userWhen flexible work schedule is enabled, changes in work time do not require confirmation or reasons
UF_TM_MAX_STARTHH:MM:SSMaximum workday clock-in time, configured for a userWorkday that was clocked-in/started after the specified time will be considered as infringement
UF_TM_MIN_FINISHHH:MM:SSMinimum clock-out/closing time, configured for a userWorkday, closed after the specified time will be considered as infringement
UF_TM_MIN_DURATIONHH:MM:SSMinimum workday duration, configured for a userWorkday with duration less than specified will be considered as infringement
UF_TM_ALLOWED_DELTAHH:MM:SSAllowed period of workday duration time to be modified, configured for a userModifying workday duration for a period less than specified will not require confirmation from a manager


Call example:

Response example:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "result": {
        "ADMIN": true, 
        "UF_TIMEMAN": true, 
        "UF_TM_ALLOWED_DELTA": "00:15:00", 
        "UF_TM_FREE": false, 
        "UF_TM_MAX_START": "09:15:00", 
        "UF_TM_MIN_DURATION": "08:00:00", 
        "UF_TM_MIN_FINISH": "17:45:00"

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