Scope: sale Permissions to execute: for all
Method returns shipment property fields and settings for a specific type of property.
No parameters.
BX24.callMethod( 'sale.shipmentproperty.getFieldsByType', {}, function(result) { if(result.error()) console.error(result.error().ex); else console.log(; });
Returned fields
Field | Description |
id | Property ID. |
personTypeId | Payer type ID with bound property. |
name | Property name. |
type | Type. |
required | Required flag. |
defaultValue | Default value. |
sort | Sorting. |
userProps | Included into profile. |
isLocation | Indicates it as a location. |
propsGroupId | Group ID. |
description | Description. |
isemail | Indicates it as an email. |
isProfileName | Indicates it as user profile name. |
isPayer | Indicates it as a payer name. |
isLocation4Tax | Indicates it as a tax location. |
isFiltered | Indicates it as available in order filter. |
code | System code. |
isZip | Indicates it as a zip code. |
isPhone | Indicates it as a phone number. |
isAddress | Indicates it as an address. |
active | Active flag. |
util | Service flag. |
inputFieldLocation | Input field location. |
multiple | Multiple attribute flag. |
settings | Settings. |
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