The method returns fields for shipment item table.
Returned fields:
Field | Description |
id | Shipment ID. |
orderId | Order ID. |
paid | Order payment status. |
datePaid | Date when order is paid. |
empPaidId | User ID, who for order. |
paySystemId | Payment system ID. |
psStatus | Data, received from payment system: transaction status. |
psStatusCode | Data, received from payment system: transaction code. |
psInvoiceId | Payment ID within payment system. |
psStatusDescription | Data, received from payment system: transaction description. |
psStatusMessage | Data, received from payment system: transaction message. |
psSum | Data, received from payment system: transaction amount. |
psCurrency | Data, received from payment system: currency. |
psResponseDate | Data, received from payment system: response date from payment system. |
payVoucherNum | Number of payment document. |
payVoucherDate | Date of payment document. |
datePayBefore | Date before which invoice must be paid (not used in the online store). |
dateBill | Billing date. |
xmlId | External identifier. |
sum | Total amount. |
priceCod | Price upon delivery (for example, for COD terms). |
currency | Currency. |
paySystemName | Name of payment system. |
responsibleId | User ID, responsible for payment. |
empResponsibleId | User ID, who assigned a responsible user. |
dateResponsibleId | Date when responsible user is assigned. |
comments | comment to payment. |
companyId | Company ID that will receive payment. |
payReturnNum | Number of returns document. |
payReturnDate | Date of returns document. |
empReturnId | User ID, performed the returns. |
payReturnComment | Comment to returns. |
isReturn | Whether returns was performed. |
marked | Whether payment is marked. |
dateMarked | Date when marked. |
empMarkedId | Who marked the payment. |
reasonMarked | Reason for marking. |
updated1c | Whether updated via 1С. |
id1c | ID in 1С. |
version1c | Payment document version from 1C. |
externalPayment | Flag Y/N: external payment or no. |
statusId | Shipment status. |
basePriceDelivery | Base delivery status. |
priceDelivery | Delivery cost. |
customPriceDelivery | Flag, specifies custom price. |
currency | Currency. |
discountPrice | Final discount price/extra charge for delivery. |
allowDelivery | Flag, allows delivery: Y/N. |
dateAllowDelivery | Date when delivery is allowed. |
empAllowDeliveryId | User ID, who permitted delivery. |
deducted | Flag, set for delivery: Y/N. |
dateDeducted | Date of shipment. |
empDeductedId | User ID, who dispatched shipment. |
reasonUndoDeducted | Reason for shipment cancellation. |
deliveryId | Delivery service ID. |
deliveryDocNum | Number of shipping document. |
deliveryDocDate | Date of shipping document. |
trackingNumber | Track number. |
trackingStatus | Tracking status. |
trackingDescription | Tracking status description. |
trackingLastCheck | Date of last tracking status check. |
xmlId | External ID. |
deliveryName | Name of delivery service. |
canceled | If shipment is cancelled. |
dateCanceled | Date when shipment is cancelled. |
empCanceledId | User ID, who cancelled shipment. |
marked | If shipment is marked. |
dateMarked | Date when marked. |
empMarkedId | User ID, who marked the shipment. |
reasonMarked | Reason for marking. |
system | Flag, specifies if the shipment is systemic or not. |
responsibleId | User ID, who is responsible for shipment. |
empResponsibleId | User ID, who assigned a responsible user. |
dateResponsibleId | Date when a responsible user is assigned. |
comments | Comment. |
companyId | Company ID that performs shipment. |
updated1c | Whether shipment is updated via 1С |
id1c | Shipment ID in 1С. |
version1c | Shipping document version in 1С. |
externalDelivery | Flag Y/N: is delivery performed from external system or no. |
No parameters.
BX24.callMethod( 'sale.shipmentitem.getFields', {}, function(result) { if(result.error()) console.error(result.error().ex); else console.log(; });
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