Example of standard REST API cash register
Adding a cash register handler
Example of adding a cash register handler with option to configure authorization data, company data and cash register mode:
BX.rest.callMethod( "sale.cashbox.handler.add", { "CODE": "my_rest_cashbox", "NAME": "My REST cash register", "SORT": 100, "SETTINGS": { "PRINT_URL": "http:\/\/example.com\/rest_print.php", "CHECK_URL": "http:\/\/example.com\/rest_check.php", "CONFIG": { "AUTH": { "LABEL": "Authorization", "ITEMS": { "LOGIN": { "TYPE": "STRING", "REQUIRED": "Y", "LABEL": "Login" }, "PASSWORD": { "TYPE": "STRING", "REQUIRED": "Y", "LABEL": "Password" }, } }, "COMPANY": { "LABEL": "Authorization data", "ITEMS": { "INN": { "TYPE": "STRING", "REQUIRED": "Y", "LABEL": "company TIN" } } }, "INTERACTION": { "LABEL": "Cash register interaction settings", "ITEMS": { "MODE": { "TYPE": "ENUM", "LABEL": "Cash register mode", "OPTIONS": { "ACTIVE": "active", "TEST": "test" } } } } } } }, function(result) { if(result.error()) console.error(result.error()); else console.dir(result.data()); } );
Added cash register is configured by user via online store settings or Sales Center.
PRINT_URL page - URL address to receive cash receipt print data.
Structure of POST-parameters, sent to PRINT_URL address:
Parameters | Description |
type | Receipt type. Values:
calculated_sign | Receipt/expenditure attribute. Values:
unique_id | receipt ID in the account database. |
items | Array with products in receipt. Array element structure:
date_create | Date of receipt (timestamp). |
payments | Array with payments. Structure of array items:
client_email | Customer email. |
total_sum | Total receipt payment. |
uuid | Document ID in third-party system (Bitrix24 account). |
number_kkm | Cash register external ID (from cash register settings). |
service_email | Email (from cash register settings). |
cashbox_params | Array with cash register settings. Structure is specified by parameter CONFIG of array SETTINGS, specified as method parameter sale.cashbox.handler.add. |
The PRINT_URL parameter processes input data, generates a document and returns print result. Response in case of error is JSON-array as follows:
{ "ERRORS": [ "Error message", "Error message", ... ] }
Upon successful printing, array looks as follows:
{ "UUID": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff" }
Example of standard handler:
<?php $login = $_REQUEST['cashbox_params']['AUTH']['LOGIN']; $password = $_REQUEST['cashbox_params']['AUTH']['PASSWORD']; if (empty($login) || empty($password)) { echo json_encode([ 'ERRORS' => [ 'Authorization data is missing', ] ]); die(); } // necessary actions: user authorization, data processing, receipt registration in the system... echo json_encode([ 'UUID' => $resultUUID, ]);
CHECK_URL page: URL address for checking receipt printing success.
Query at the address CHECK_URL is performed upon manager request or after some time after successful receipt printing.
Structure of POST-parameters, sent to the address PRINT_URL:
Parameter | Description |
uuid | Receipt ID. |
Query to the CHECK_URL must return receipt data, receipt printing error data, or “printing in progress” status.
Example of simple handler:
<?php $uuid = $_REQUEST['uuid']; // necessary actions: check receipt status, ... // when error occurs during receipt printing if ($result['ERROR']) { echo json_encode([ 'STATUS' => 'ERROR', 'ERROR' => 'Error message' ]); die(); } // receipt is not yet printed if ($result['WAIT']) { echo json_encode([ 'STATUS' => 'WAIT', ]); die(); } // sending result echo json_encode([ 'STATUS' => 'DONE', 'UUID' => $uuid, 'REG_NUMBER_KKT' => '000111222333', 'FISCAL_DOC_ATTR' => '33445500', 'FISCAL_DOC_NUMBER' => 123, 'FISCAL_RECEIPT_NUMBER' => 10, 'FN_NUMBER' => '0011223344556677', 'SHIFT_NUMBER' => 12, 'PRINT_END_TIME' => 1609452000, ]);
Data, returned by CHECK_URL is saved into database and used for generating URL for a receipt.