The method updates Open Channel.
Method | Description | Available from version |
PARAMS | Array of parameters to be added (optional). See list of fields below. |
Fields | Description | Available from version |
ID | Open Channel ID | |
WELCOME_BOT_ENABLE | Upon customer contact assign chatbot as responsible. [Y/N (by default)] - this option must be Y, for chatbot to be activated | |
WELCOME_BOT_JOIN | When to enable chatbot (first (by default), always), | |
WELCOME_BOT_ID | Chatbot ID (int, by default - 0) | |
WELCOME_BOT_TIME | After which time the dialog to be transferred from chatbot into the queue (int, 60 by default) | |
WELCOME_BOT_LEFT | When to disable chatbot (queue (by default), close), | |
ACTIVE | Open Channel active status [Y/N (by default)] | |
LINE_NAME | Open Channel name (optional) | |
CRM | Check user via CRM [Y/N (by default)] | |
CRM_CREATE | If customer is not found in CRM (string, by default none) | |
CRM_FORWARD | Forward a customer request to a responsible employee in case a customer is identified [Y (by default)/N] | |
CRM_SOURCE | New lead source (string, by default 'create') | |
CRM_TRANSFER_CHANGE | Automatically change user, responsible for a lead when the request is manually forwarded to another operator [Y (by default)/N] | |
QUEUE_TIME | Time of customer request transfer to the next employee from queue (int, 60 by default) | |
NO_ANSWER_TIME | Time until customer request is marked as unanswered (int, 60 by default) | |
QUEUE_TYPE | Type queue (evenly (by default), strictly, all), | |
TIMEMAN | Do not forward customer request to an operator, if workday is not clocked-in or a break is set [Y/N (by default)] | |
CHECK_ONLINE | When customer requests are distributed, check operator availability [Y/N (by default)] | |
CHECKING_OFFLINE | Continuous check of operator availability when customer requests are distributed [Y/N (by default)] | |
WELCOME_MESSAGE | Send automatic reply to the first customer message [Y (by default/N)] | |
WELCOME_MESSAGE_TEXT | Text of automatic reply (string, by default null) | |
AGREEMENT_MESSAGE | Send warning of personal data collection [Y/N (by default)] | |
AGREEMENT_ID | Data collection agreement ID (int, 0 by default) | |
NO_ANSWER_RULE | Action, if no operators responded to customer request (none (by default), text) | |
NO_ANSWER_TEXT | Text of automatic reply (string, by default null) | |
WORKTIME_ENABLE | Open Channel worktime setting [Y/N (by default)] | |
WORKTIME_FROM | Enable worktime "from" (string format '00:00') | |
WORKTIME_TO | Enable worktime "to" (string format '00:00') | |
WORKTIME_TIMEZONE | Timezone ('Europe/US' format type) | |
WORKTIME_HOLIDAYS | List of holidays (string, Example: 1.01,2.01,7.01,23.02,8.03,1.05,9.05,12.06,4.11,12.12) | |
WORKTIME_DAYOFF | List of holiday codes (array, example ['MO', 'TU']) | |
WORKTIME_DAYOFF_RULE | Customer request processing outside work hours (none (by default), 'text') | |
WORKTIME_DAYOFF_TEXT | Text of automatic reply (outside work hours) (string, by defaultnull), | |
CLOSE_RULE | Action before finishing customer request ('none', text (by default)) | |
CLOSE_TEXT | Text of automatic reply (string, by default null) | |
FULL_CLOSE_TIME | Time until customer request is fully closed (until operator closes it) (int,10 minutes by default) | |
AUTO_CLOSE_RULE | Action when customer request is closed automatically (none (by default), 'text') | |
AUTO_CLOSE_TEXT | Text of automatic reply (string, null by default) | |
AUTO_CLOSE_TIME | Time of last activity to autoclose the dialog (int, by default - 0) | |
VOTE_MESSAGE | Send request to customer to rate service quality, char(1),[Y (by default)/N] | |
VOTE_CLOSING_DELAY | Close season immediately after customer rated the dialog, char(1), [Y/N (by default))] | |
VOTE_MESSAGE_1_TEXT | Text for request to rate in the online chat and bitrix24 network | |
VOTE_MESSAGE_1_LIKE | Text for positive rating vote in the online chat and bitrix24 network | |
VOTE_MESSAGE_1_DISLIKE | Text for negative rating vote in the online chat and bitrix24 network | |
VOTE_MESSAGE_2_TEXT | Text for rating request in other channels (Viber, Telegram, Facebook and others) | |
VOTE_MESSAGE_2_LIKE | Text for positive rating vote in other channels (Viber, Telegram, Facebook and others) | |
VOTE_MESSAGE_2_DISLIKE | Text for negative rating vote in other channels (Viber, Telegram, Facebook and others) | |
QUICK_ANSWERS_IBLOCK_ID | ID of quick answers iblock (by default, 0) | |
LANGUAGE_ID | Language preferences setting (char(2), by default null) | |
OPERATOR_DATA | Information about operators in queue (profile (by default), queue, hide) | |
DEFAULT_OPERATOR_DATA | Default operator information. Array, fields:
| |
QUEUE | Queue of responsible employees. Array, fields:
QUEUE: [{ENTITY_TYPE: "user", ENTITY_ID: "1"}] | |
QUEUE_OPERATOR_DATA | Operator data to be displayed in chat. Array, fields as follows:
//imopenlines.config.add function configAdd() { var params = { PARAMS: { LINE_NAME: 'New Channel name', ... } }; BX24.callMethod( 'imopenlines.config.add', params, function (result) { if (result.error()) alert("Error: " + result.error()); else alert("True: " +; } ); }
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