

The method updates Open Channel.


Method Description Available from version
PARAMS Array of parameters to be added (optional). See list of fields below.

Fields Description Available from version
ID Open Channel ID
WELCOME_BOT_ENABLE Upon customer contact assign chatbot as responsible. [Y/N (by default)] - this option must be Y, for chatbot to be activated
WELCOME_BOT_JOIN When to enable chatbot (first (by default), always),
WELCOME_BOT_ID Chatbot ID (int, by default - 0)
WELCOME_BOT_TIME After which time the dialog to be transferred from chatbot into the queue (int, 60 by default)
WELCOME_BOT_LEFT When to disable chatbot (queue (by default), close),
ACTIVE Open Channel active status [Y/N (by default)]
LINE_NAME Open Channel name (optional)
CRM Check user via CRM [Y/N (by default)]
CRM_CREATE If customer is not found in CRM (string, by default none)
CRM_FORWARD Forward a customer request to a responsible employee in case a customer is identified [Y (by default)/N]
CRM_SOURCE New lead source (string, by default 'create')
CRM_TRANSFER_CHANGE Automatically change user, responsible for a lead when the request is manually forwarded to another operator [Y (by default)/N]
QUEUE_TIME Time of customer request transfer to the next employee from queue (int, 60 by default)
NO_ANSWER_TIME Time until customer request is marked as unanswered (int, 60 by default)
QUEUE_TYPE Type queue (evenly (by default), strictly, all),
TIMEMAN Do not forward customer request to an operator, if workday is not clocked-in or a break is set [Y/N (by default)]
CHECK_ONLINE When customer requests are distributed, check operator availability [Y/N (by default)]
CHECKING_OFFLINE Continuous check of operator availability when customer requests are distributed [Y/N (by default)]
WELCOME_MESSAGE Send automatic reply to the first customer message [Y (by default/N)]
WELCOME_MESSAGE_TEXT Text of automatic reply (string, by default null)
AGREEMENT_MESSAGE Send warning of personal data collection [Y/N (by default)]
AGREEMENT_ID Data collection agreement ID (int, 0 by default)
NO_ANSWER_RULE Action, if no operators responded to customer request (none (by default), text)
NO_ANSWER_TEXT Text of automatic reply (string, by default null)
WORKTIME_ENABLE Open Channel worktime setting [Y/N (by default)]
WORKTIME_FROM Enable worktime "from" (string format '00:00')
WORKTIME_TO Enable worktime "to" (string format '00:00')
WORKTIME_TIMEZONE Timezone ('Europe/US' format type)
WORKTIME_HOLIDAYS List of holidays (string, Example: 1.01,2.01,7.01,23.02,8.03,1.05,9.05,12.06,4.11,12.12)
WORKTIME_DAYOFF List of holiday codes (array, example ['MO', 'TU'])
WORKTIME_DAYOFF_RULE Customer request processing outside work hours (none (by default), 'text')
WORKTIME_DAYOFF_TEXT Text of automatic reply (outside work hours) (string, by defaultnull),
CLOSE_RULE Action before finishing customer request ('none', text (by default))
CLOSE_TEXT Text of automatic reply (string, by default null)
FULL_CLOSE_TIME Time until customer request is fully closed (until operator closes it) (int,10 minutes by default)
AUTO_CLOSE_RULE Action when customer request is closed automatically (none (by default), 'text')
AUTO_CLOSE_TEXT Text of automatic reply (string, null by default)
AUTO_CLOSE_TIME Time of last activity to autoclose the dialog (int, by default - 0)
VOTE_MESSAGE Send request to customer to rate service quality, char(1),[Y (by default)/N]
VOTE_CLOSING_DELAY Close season immediately after customer rated the dialog, char(1), [Y/N (by default))]
VOTE_MESSAGE_1_TEXT Text for request to rate in the online chat and bitrix24 network
VOTE_MESSAGE_1_LIKE Text for positive rating vote in the online chat and bitrix24 network
VOTE_MESSAGE_1_DISLIKE Text for negative rating vote in the online chat and bitrix24 network
VOTE_MESSAGE_2_TEXT Text for rating request in other channels (Viber, Telegram, Facebook and others)
VOTE_MESSAGE_2_LIKE Text for positive rating vote in other channels (Viber, Telegram, Facebook and others)
VOTE_MESSAGE_2_DISLIKE Text for negative rating vote in other channels (Viber, Telegram, Facebook and others)
QUICK_ANSWERS_IBLOCK_ID ID of quick answers iblock (by default, 0)
LANGUAGE_ID Language preferences setting (char(2), by default null)
OPERATOR_DATA Information about operators in queue (profile (by default), queue, hide)
DEFAULT_OPERATOR_DATA Default operator information. Array, fields:
  • NAME - name
  • AVATAR - link to avatar
  • AVATAR_ID - avatar file ID at the Bitrix24 account
QUEUE Queue of responsible employees. Array, fields:
  • U - array of user IDs to be added to queue
Can be passed in the format QUEUE: [{ENTITY_TYPE: "user", ENTITY_ID: "1"}]
QUEUE_OPERATOR_DATA Operator data to be displayed in chat. Array, fields as follows:
  • U - array of users with data type "User ID" => data array:
    • NAME - name
    • USER_WORK_POSITION - position
    • AVATAR - link to avatar
    • AVATAR_ID - avatar file ID at the Bitrix24 account


	function configAdd()
		var params = {
			PARAMS: {
				LINE_NAME: 'New Channel name',
			function (result) {
				if (result.error())
					alert("Error: " + result.error());
					alert("True: " +;

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