

AI networks must be handled correctly regardless of the smart and intelligent capabilities they offer. Regular user cannot (and essentially should not) be initially aware how it's done. In this case, the so-called preprompts are very helpful.

Preprompts – are texts that supplement a user query.

Correctly accentuated preprompts assist neural network on what to do, even if user has composed the query not very correctly. Another, more everyday scenario: user can just press "translate" button and the AI module must compile a prepromt for correct translation.

This section of AI module documentation details what concept of preprompts, how to write and register them via REST.

Page Description
Prompt registration About ai.prompt.register and ai.prompt.unregister methods.
Markers Manual for markers that are recognized by the AI module and be correctly interpreted for the neural network.
Conditions Such conditions as if and branch switch can be used in a preprompt, similar to the software programming.
[ICO_NEW data-adding-timestamp="1703174550"]Technical methods for debugging prompts at the account. We do not recommend using these methods.
ai.history.enable Enables logging for all queries at the account.
ai.history.disable Disables logging all queries at the account.
ai.history.list Prints query history for current REST user (30 recent), if logging is enabled.

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