

CSearchCustomRank::NextUpdate( );

Step to apply the update for sorting rules. Non-static method.

This method applies the next unapplied sorting rule to the search index. Rules must be applied every time when they are updated, (CSearchCustomRank::Add, CSearchCustomRank::Update and CSearchCustomRank::Delete). This procedure is not required, when indexing or after re-indexing the data, because the sorting rules are taken into account during the process of the search index building.

Prior to applying the rules, initiate the process by calling the CSearchCustomRank::StartUpdates method.

Method parameters

No parameters.

Returned values

The array of the following structure is returned on success:

  • DONE - number of already applied rules;
  • TODO - the number of required rules to be applied.

Otherwise, returns false and the error text can be received via the LAST_ERROR of the class instance.

See Also

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