

generateChains($strChains, $initEntity, $initKey);

Generates an object tree with the full set of all fields, necessary to generate data retrieval query for each available report field. Static method.

Function parameters

Parameter Description
$strChains Description of report fields (returns getColumnList method of the report helper class).
$initEntity Report basic entity object.
$initKey Empty string during a regular call or a chain context, describing report field during recursive invocation.

Returned value

Returns an array with object chains that correspond to field description in the $strChains argument. Returned value can be used to create a tree of all available report fields by the generateColumnTree method.

Examples of use

// Retrieval of report basic entity by calling getEntityName helper class method. $entityName = call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getEntityName')); // Retrieval of report basic entity fields by calling getColumnList helper class method. $entityFields = call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getColumnList')); // Retrieval of chain objects array for all fields, available in the report. $chains = CReport::generateChains($entityFields, $entity, ''); // Passing an array of chains into the generateColumnTree method to create a tree with full description of all fields // available in the report. $fieldsTree = CReport::generateColumnTree($chains, $entity, $arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS']);

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