

appendHrefSelectElements(&$elem, $fList, $entity, $helper_class, &$select, &$runtime);

Adds information, necessary to generate links for values, displayed in the report. Static method.

Function parameters

Parameter Description
$elem Link to the element of array of selected report fields.
$fList Array of objects, describing selected report fields.
$entity Object of report basic entity.
$helper_class Name of the report helper class.
$select Link to the army of selected report fields.
$runtime Link to the array of fields with report completion time.

Returned value

None, modifies the $elem parameter, by adding the href array with link generating pattern template and the elements array with description of fields, which values will be inserted into the template for the final link generation. In case, if field values that are not selected for the report, are required to generate the link, they are added into the $select array. If additional fields are defined as completion time fields, they are added into the $runtime array.

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