
Sidepanel customization

Slider display is processed separately from the site template where it is shown. Slider display parameters can be modified for a specific site template, as well as customize conflicting design elements. JavaScript-class must be created that inherits BX.SidePanel.Slider and the corresponding methods must be re-defined.

(function() {

"use strict";


BX.MyModule.Slider = function(url, options)
	BX.SidePanel.Slider.apply(this, arguments);

BX.MyModule.Slider.prototype =
	__proto__: BX.SidePanel.Slider.prototype,
	constructor: BX.MyModule.Slider,

	 * @public
	 * @returns {void}
	applyHacks: function()
		//Code, that configures conflicting design elements
		//Method is called before disabling the page scrolling

	 * @public
	 * @returns {void}
	applyPostHacks: function()
		//Code, that configures conflicting design elements
		//Method is called after disabling the page scrolling

	 * @public
	 * @returns {void}
	resetHacks: function()
		//Method to reset settings, which were applied in applyHacks

	 * @public
	 * @returns {void}
	resetPostHacks: function()
		//Method to reset settings which were applied in applyPostHacks

	 * @public
	 * @returns {number}
	getTopBoundary: function()
		//Defines the upper limit (coordinate) of the slider
		return 0;

	 * @public
	 * @returns {number}
	getLeftBoundary: function()
		//Defines the left limit (coordinate) of the slider
		return 200;

	 * @public
	 * @returns {number}
	getRightBoundary: function()
		//Defines the right limit (coordinate) of the slider
        return 0;


After that, the created class must be registered.


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