BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.show( { message: "Text that clarifies the purpose of this popup message, located here.", buttons: BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBoxButtons.OK_CANCEL, popupOptions: { bindElement: BX("yesnocancel"), offsetLeft: 20, closeIcon: true, events: { onPopupClose: function() { BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.alert("Popup closed."); } } } } ); |
MessageBox Class
The class creates standard advisory and informational dialogs (alert and confirm).
new BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox( { options; } );
Class object options
options {object} — set of dialog options. List of dialog options in the table:
Dialog option | Type | Description |
message | string|Element|Node | Dialog message. HTML string or DOM element. |
title | string | Dialog title. |
modal | boolean | When true, dialog opens with overlay. |
cacheable | boolean | By default, when closed, the dialog is terminated from DOM. This action can be cancelled, when cacheable: false is specified. |
minWidth | number | Minimal window width. |
minHeight | number | Minimal window height. |
maxWidth | number | Maximum window width. |
onOk | Function | Button handler functionOK. |
onCancel | Function | Button handler functionCancel. |
onYes | Function | Button handler functionYes. |
onNo | Function | Button handler functionNo. |
okCaption | string | Button captionOK. |
cancelCaption | string | Button captionCancel. |
yesCaption | string | Button captionYes. |
noCaption | string | Button captionNo. |
mediumButtonSize | boolean | Be default, dialog buttons have small size.
If the parameter mediumButtonSize is set as true, button size will be standard (medium).
If the parameter title is set, the property mediumButtonSize is automatically set as true
(this behavior can be cancelled via mediumButtonSize: false) . |
buttons | MessageBoxButtons | Array | Specifies set of dialog buttons. The structure MessageBoxButtons defines the following standard sets:
popupOptions | object | Set of options for BX.PopupWindow. |
Method | Description |
messageBox.show | Shows dialog on the page. |
messageBox.close | Closes dialog on the page. |
messageBox.getPopupWindow | Returns object BX.PopupWindow. |
messageBox.setMessage | Sets dialog content. HTML string or DOM element. |
messageBox.getMessage | Returns content dialog. |
messageBox.setTitle | Sets dialog title. |
messageBox.getTitle | Returns dialog title. |
messageBox.getOkButton | Returns OK button (BX.UI.Button class object). |
messageBox.getCancelButton | Returns Cancel button (BX.UI.Button class object). |
messageBox.getYesButton | Returns Yes button Да (BX.UI.Button class object). |
messageBox.getNoButton | Returns No button (BX.UI.Button class object). |
messageBox.setButtons | Specifies set of dialog buttons. Set is specified by the MessageBoxButtons structure or by a BX.UI.Button object array.
messageBox.getButtons | Returns array of dialog buttons. |
messageBox.setOkCaption | Sets caption for OK button. |
messageBox.setCancelCaption | Sets caption for Cancel button. |
messageBox.setYesCaption | Sets caption for Yes button. |
messageBox.setNoCaption | Sets caption for No button. |
messageBox.setOkCallback | Sets handler for OK button. |
messageBox.setCancelCallback | Sets handler for Cancel button. |
messageBox.setYesCallback | Sets handler for Yes button. |
messageBox.setNoCallback | Sets handler for No button. |
MessageBox.create | Static method for creating a dialog.
options {object} — Set of dialog options (see description of options in new MessageBox). |
MessageBox.show | Creates and shows dialog on page.
options {object} — selection of dialog options (see description of options in new MessageBox). |
MessageBox.alert | Static method for creating advisory dialogs (alert). |
MessageBox.confirm | Static method for creating confirmation dialogs (confirm). |
Creating a class object
const messageBox = new BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox( { message: "Are you sure you want to delete the file?", title: "Confirm deletion", buttons: BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBoxButtons.OK_CANCEL, okCaption: "Yes", onOk: function() { console.log("onOk"); }, } ); messageBox.show();
Arbitrary names and button callbacks
const messageBox = new BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox( { message: "Various button captions", title: "Confirm deletion", buttons: BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBoxButtons.YES_NO_CANCEL, yesCaption: "Yes", noCaption: "No", cancelCaption: "Cancel", maxWidth: 600, onYes: function() { console.log("onYes"); messageBox.close(); }, onNo: function() { console.log("onNo"); messageBox.close(); }, onCancel: function(messageBox) { console.log("onCancel"); messageBox.close(); }, } ); messageBox.show();
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