

 array fields,
 mixed status_id = false,
 string check_rights = "Y"

The method Set adds a new status or modifies the existing one. Returns the ID of the modified or added status on success, or false otherwise.


fields Array of values which accept the following keys:
  • FORM_ID* - the webform ID;
  • TITLE* - status title;
  • C_SORT - sort order;
  • ACTIVE - active state flag. The following values are possible:
    • Y - the answer is active;
    • N - the answer is inactive (by default).
  • DESCRIPTION - status description;
  • CSS - name of the CSS class to display the status title;
  • HANDLER_OUT - path relative to the root to the handler called when changing this result statusto another;
  • HANDLER_IN - path relative to the rootto the handler called when changing a result status to this;
  • DEFAULT_VALUE - flag indicating the status is default. The following values are possible:
    • Y - status is default;
    • N - status is not default (by default).
  • arPERMISSION_VIEW* - array containing the ID's of user groups having the permission "View results in this status";
  • arPERMISSION_MOVE* - array containing the ID's of user groups having the permission "Change results to this status";
  • arPERMISSION_EDIT* - array containing the ID's of user groups having the permission "Edit results in this status";
  • arPERMISSION_DELETE* - array containing the ID's of user groups having the permission "Delete results in this status".

* - required.
* - these arrays may have values of "0"which means the result creator.
status_id The ID of the modified status.
Optional. False by default (adds a new status).
check_rights Flag specifying the current user permissions should be checked. One of the following values is possible:
  • Y - permissions should be checked;
  • N - no checks need to be performed.
To modify a status or create a new one, you should have the permission [30] Full access for the form specified in fields["FORM_ID"].

Optional. "Y" by default which means the permissions should be checked.

See Also


$FORM_ID = 4; // The web form ID

$arFields = array(
    "FORM_ID"             => $FORM_ID,               // The web form ID
    "C_SORT"              => 100,                    // sort order
    "ACTIVE"              => "Y",                    // status is active
    "TITLE"               => "Published",            // status title
    "DESCRIPTION"         => "Final status",         // status description
    "CSS"                 => "statusgreen",          // CSS class
    "HANDLER_OUT"         => "",                     // handler
    "HANDLER_IN"          => "",                     // handler
    "DEFAULT_VALUE"       => "N",                    // not default
    "arPERMISSION_VIEW"   => array(2),               // view permission for all
    "arPERMISSION_MOVE"   => array(),                // move permission for admins only
    "arPERMISSION_EDIT"   => array(),                // edit permission for admins
    "arPERMISSION_DELETE" => array(),                // delete permission for admins only

$NEW_ID = CFormStatus::Set($arFields);
if ($NEW_ID>0) echo "The ID=".$NEW_ID has been added;
else // error
    // display the error description
    global $strError;
    echo $strError;
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