Views: 5082
Last Modified: 16.06.2023

SCOPE values for app's access permissions for various Bitrix24 entities. When you add a public solution in the partner's account or a local solution at your's specific Bitrix24, you indicate a list of required Bitrix24 modules needed for specific application to operate. It's easy to understand which SCOPES are required - see which methods are used by your application. 

For example, when your solution integrates Bitrix24 with external telephony service, and you use  telephony.externalcall.register and telephony.externalcall.finish, that add leads to CRM as well but without calling CRM methods directly, e. g.  crm.lead.add and crm.activity.add. In this case, you need SCOPE telephony and you don't need SCOPE crm

ai_admin Channel for registering custom service for query processing
biconnector BI-analytics
bizproc Workflows
calendar Calendar
call Telephony (initiating calls)
Scope includes the following methods:
voximplant.infocall.startwithsound voximplant.infocall.startwithtext
cashbox Cash registers
catalog Commercial catalog
configuration.import Solution Preset Import
contact_center Contact Center
crm CRM
Document Generator,
CRM Document Generator
delivery Delivery
department Departments
disk Drive
entity Data Storage
forum Forum
iblock Information blocks
im Notifications
imbot Chat bots
imopenlines Open Channels
intranet Intranet
landing Sites
landing_cloud Handling the repository
lists Lists
log Feed
mailservice Mail Service
messageservice Message Service
mobile Mobile App
pay_system Payment systems
placement Application embedding
pull Pull&Push
pull_channel Service channel for system instant messaging (subscription to get information about updates for all system elements, available to the user)
rating Ratings
rpa RPA
sale Online Store
salescenter Sales Center
smile Smileys
sonet_group Workgroups
task There are three legacy scopes available:
do not use them.
telephony Telephony
timeman Work Time Management
user Users. Versions:
  • user_brief - Users (minimal)
  • user_basic - Users (base)
user.userfield User custom fields
userfieldconfig Custom field settings
userconsent User Agreement Consent

Courses developed by Bitrix24