

This sections contains functions that can be used to display forms and results of polls in the public section.

Function Description
ShowCurrentVote Emits the HTML code of the current poll of the specified channel.
ShowCurrentVoteResults Emits the HTML code of the diagram displaying results of the current poll of the specified channel.
ShowPrevVoteResults Emits the HTML code of the diagram displaying results of the previous poll of the specified channel.
ShowVote Emits the HTML code of the poll form.
ShowVoteResults Emits the HTML code of the diagram displaying results of the specified poll.
GetAnyAccessibleVote Returns the ID of a poll, vote or survey in which the current user did not take part yet.
GetCurrentVote Returns the ID of the current vote in the channel.
GetPrevVote Returns the ID of the previous poll in the channel.
GetVoteDataByID Returns information describing the poll by its ID.
GetVoteList Returns a selection of polls from the database.
IsUserVoted Determines if a user had already took part in the poll and is not permitted to vote again or not.
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