

 array arOrder = array("TO_USER_ID"=>"ASC"), 
 array arFilter = array()

The method GetList returns a filtered and sorted list of votes for forum visitors.


Parameter Description
arOrder Associated array whose keys are the names of voting parameters and values are the sort order constants.

The following voting parameters can be sorted:
  • FROM_USER_ID - the ID of the user who has given a vote;
  • TO_USER_ID - the ID of the user to whom a vote has been given;
  • POINTS - number of votes given;
  • DATE_UPDATE - the date when the record was last modified;

Filter for the returned voting. Associated array whose keys are the names of voting parameters and values are the conditions for these parameters.

The following voting parameters can be filtered:

  • FROM_USER_ID - the ID of the user who has given a vote;
  • TO_USER_ID - the ID of the user who has been given a vote to.

Return Values

Returns an object of the CDBResult class, each record containing the following keys:

Key Value
FROM_USER_ID The ID of the user who has given a vote.
TO_USER_ID The ID of the user to whom a vote has been given.
POINTS Number of votes given.
DATE_UPDATE The date when the record was last modified.
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