

 array arOrder = array("ID"=>"ASC"),
 array arFilter = array()

The method GetListEx returns an optionally sorted and filtered list of subscriptions. Each entry in the list has an e-mail of a subscribed user.


Parameter Description
arOrder An array in the format Array(by1=>order1[, by2=>order2 [, ..]]), where:
  • by - name of the field by which the sorting is to be performed:
    • ID - the subscription ID;
    • USER_ID - the subscriber ID;
    • FORUM_ID - the forum ID;
    • TOPIC_ID - the topic ID;
    • START_DATE - the date of subscription;
  • order - sort order:
    • ASC - ascending;
    • DESC - descending;
Optional. By default Array("ID"=>"ASC").
arFilter An array in the format array("filter field"=>"condition" [, ...]). The following keys are possible:
  • ID - the subscription ID;
  • USER_ID - the subscriber ID;
  • FORUM_ID - the forum ID;
  • TOPIC_ID - the topic ID;
  • TOPIC_ID_OR_NULL - the topic ID or NULL (checks if equal only);
  • LAST_SEND - the ID of the last sent message;
  • LAST_SEND_OR_NULL - the ID of the last sent message or NULL (checks if less only);
  • NEW_TOPIC_ONLY - specifies that only new topics can be subscribed (Y/N);
  • LAST_SEND - the ID of the last message sent by subscription;
  • LAST_SEND_OR_NULL - the ID of the last message sent by subscription including empty values;
  • PERMISSION - minimum access permission to the forum to whose posts the subscription is setup.

Return Values

Returns an instance of the CDBResult class containing arrays with the following keys.

Key Value
ID The subscription ID
USER_ID The subscriber ID
FORUM_ID The forum ID
TOPIC_ID The topic ID
LAST_SEND The ID of the last sent message
NEW_TOPIC_ONLY Specifies that only new topics can be subscribed 
SITE_ID The site ID whose messages are sent by subscription.
START_DATE The date of subscription
EMAIL Subscribed e-mail address.

See Also

  • CDBResult
  • Subscription fields
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