
oBXEditorUtils Global Object

The system provides the oBXEditorUtils global object enabling developers to build effective solutions using the system visual editor. This object and its nested objects have a number of properties and methods allowing to use the existing functions of the editor API. Tasks and parameters that are bound to certain editor objects can be implemented as methods and properties of a parent class, or as other visual editor global API objects.


Method Description
addContentParser Adds the specified handler to which the document content will be passed to be processed, in the HTML format.
addPHPParser Adds the specified handler function to process PHP inclusions of the HTML document.
addDOMHandler Adds the specified handler to which the document content will be passed to be processed as a DOM structure.
addPropertyBarHandler Adds a new handler which will be called when the editor creates a property bar for a specified tag.
addTaskBar Add a user's taskbar to the visual editor.
BXRemoveAllChild Removes all child nodes of an element passed.
getCustomNodeParams Returns parameters of custom elements that substitute code fragments in the visual mode.
setCustomNodeParams Applies parameters in the array to a custom element that may substitute a code fragment in the document in the visual mode.

Nested objects

Nested object Description
PHPParser Implements methods for parsing PHP islands in source documents.
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