

Several basic examples of handling CRM entities. Examples are given for leads, but can be used similarly to handle other CRM entities.

Adding a lead.

if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('crm')) 
    $entity = new CCrmLead; 
    $fields = array( 
        'TITLE' => 'Test' 
    echo $entity->add($fields); 

Modifying, deleting a lead

if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('crm')) 
    $entity = new CCrmLead(true);//true - checking access permissions 
    $fields = array( 
        'TITLE' => 'Test' 
    $entity->update(1, $fields); 


Retrieving operations. Main principles are practically similar to information blocks retrieval.

if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('crm')) 
                $arOrder = array(),  
                $arFilter = array(),  
                $arGroupBy = false,  
                $arNavStartParams = false,  
                $arSelectFields = array()); 

Access permissions are checked by default during the retrieval. To cancel access permission check, CHECK_PERMISSIONS => 'N' must be passed in the filter.

Adding a simple product. Simple product - is the product, attached to an entity, bypassing the product catalog. It will not be saved separately in the database.

if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('crm')) 
    $rows = array(); 
    $rows[] = array( 
        'PRODUCT_NAME' => 'Insurance', 'QUANTITY' => 2,   'PRICE' => 300, 
        'MEASURE_CODE' => 796 
    $rows[] = array( 
        'PRODUCT_NAME' => 'Manager visit', 'QUANTITY' => 1,  'PRICE' => 100, 
        'MEASURE_CODE' => 796 
    CCrmProductRow::SaveRows('D', 10, $rows);//attach to deal 
    CCrmProductRow::SaveRows('L', 8, $rows);//attach to lead 
    CCrmProductRow::SaveRows('Q', 1, $rows);//attach to quotation
    //for invoices, it's little different - when updating or adding, specify via separate field
        'ORDER_TOPIC' => 'New invoice', 
        'PRODUCT_ROWS' => $rows 

Adding product to a catalog

if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('crm')) 
    $pid = CCrmProduct::add(array( 
        'NAME' => 'Product in the database', 
        'QUANTITY' => 1, 
        'PRICE' => 100, 
        'MEASURE_CODE' => 796, 
        'CURRENCY_ID' => 'USD', 
    if ($pid) 
        $rows = array(); 
        $rows[] = array( 
            'PRODUCT_ID' => $pid, 
            'QUANTITY' => 1, 
        CCrmProductRow::SaveRows('D', 10, $rows); 

Get CODE of the update.

if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('crm')) 
    //retrieving list of updates
    //пretrieving list of updates by default 
    //array of the following type is returned: 
            [ID] => 1 
            [CODE] => 6 
            [IS_DEFAULT] =>  
            [SYMBOL] => m 

Retrieving codes for reference entities of selection lists

if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('crm'))  { 
    $fields = array( 
        'TYPE_ID' => CCrmActivityType::Call, //type of the deal itself, can be as follows: Meeting, Call, Task, Email (class constants)
        'OWNER_TYPE_ID' => CCrmOwnerType::Deal, //type of main entity, to which the deal is attached, 
                                                //can be a Deal, Lead, Contact, Company (class constants)
        'OWNER_ID' => 10, //ID of the main entity
        'SUBJECT' => 'Outgoing phone call', 
        'START_TIME' => $date, 
        'END_TIME' => $date, 
        'COMPLETED' => 'Y', //deal completed flag
        'RESPONSIBLE_ID' => 1, //responsible
        'PRIORITY' => CCrmActivityPriority::Medium, //priority, can be None, Low, Medium, High (class constants)
        'DESCRIPTION' => 'Description', 
        'DIRECTION' => CCrmActivityDirection::Outgoing, //relevant for type of deals, where direction of call can be specified 
                                                        //(incoming or outgoing - phone or email), 
                                                        //can be Outgoing, Incoming (class constants)
        'BINDINGS' => array( 
                'OWNER_TYPE_ID' => CCrmOwnerType::Deal, 
                'OWNER_ID' => 643 
        ), //array of additional associations - for example, call can be associated with a deal (main association),
           // not yet associated with contact - with WHOM the call is made.

        'ORIGIN_ID' => 'XYZ_1' //some external identifier, optional
    CCrmActivity::Add($fields, true); 
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