

record set
 varchar &by,
 varchar &order,
 array arFilter = array(),
 boolean &is_filtered

The method returns a list of banners. Non-static method.

Method parameters

Parameters Description
by Identifier specifying the name of the field that is to be used for sorting. This can be one of the following fields:
  • s_id - by ID;
  • s_lamp - by the indicator value;
  • s_name - by the banner name;
  • s_type_sid - by the banner type;
  • s_contract_id - by the banner ID;
  • s_group_sid - by the group name;
  • s_show_count - by the number of shows;
  • s_max_show_count - by the maximum number of shows;
  • s_date_last_show - by the date of the last show;
  • s_click_count - by the number of banner clicks;
  • s_max_click_count - by the maximum number of clicks;
  • s_date_last_click - by the date of the last click;
  • s_active - by the active state flag;
  • s_weight - by banner weight;
  • s_status_sid - by the banner status;
  • s_date_show_from - by the date of the first show;
  • s_date_show_to - by the date of the last show;
  • s_ctr - by the banner CTR.
order Sort order. The following values are possible:
  • desc - descending (default);
  • asc - ascending.
arFilter Optional additional filter by fields in the form of Array("Filtering field"=>"Value", ...). The Filtering field can be one of the following:
  • ID - banner ID (complex logic is allowed)
  • ID_EXACT_MATCH - if set to "Y", banner ID's must match exactly. If set to "N", it can be an entry in the banner ID text.
  • LAMP - indicator value: "red", "green"
  • LANG - double-character language identifier. Denotes the site on which the required banners are shown;
  • SHOW_COUNT_1 - minimum shows;
  • SHOW_COUNT_2 - maximum shows;
  • CLICK_COUNT_1 - minimum clicks;
  • CLICK_COUNT_2 - maximum clicks;
  • CTR_1 - minimum CTR;
  • CTR_2 - maximum CTR;
  • GROUP - name of the banner group (complex logics allowed)
  • GROUP_EXACT_MATCH - if set to "Y", group name must match exactly; if set to "N", it can be an entry in the group name.
  • STATUS_SID - symbolic status code (complex logics allowed); can be one of the following :
    • PUBLISHED - a banner is approved and published;
    • READY - a banner is still on approval;
    • REJECTED - a banner is rejected.
  • CONTRACT_ID - contract ID (complex logics allowed)
  • CONTRACT_ID_EXACT_MATCH - if set to "Y", the contract ID must match exactly; if set to "N", it can be an entry in the contract ID.
  • CONTRACT - ID, name and description of the contract (complex logics allowed)
  • CONTRACT_EXACT_MATCH - if set to "Y", the contract ID, name or description must match exactly; if set to "N", it can be an entry in the contract ID, name or description.
  • TYPE_SID - symbolic code of a banner type (complex logics allowed)
  • TYPE_SID_EXACT_MATCH - if set to "Y", the symbolic code of a banner type must match exactly; if set to "N", it can be an entry in the symbolic code of a banner type.
  • NAME - banner name (complex logics allowed)
  • NAME_EXACT_MATCH - if set to "Y", the banner name must match exactly; if set to "N", it can be an entry in the banner name (default).
  • CODE - banner code (complex logics allowed)
  • CODE_EXACT_MATCH - if set to "Y", the banner code must match exactly; if set to "N", it can be an entry in the banner code (default).
  • COMMENTS - banner comment (complex logics allowed)
  • COMMENTS_EXACT_MATCH - if set to "Y", the banner comment must match exactly; if set to "N", it can be an entry in the banner comment text (default).
is_filtered Reference to a variable that contains true on the method return if a list of banners has been filtered, or false otherwise.
CHECK_RIGHTS The parameter checks level of access permissions to the advertising module (ad admin, advertiser and etc). If parameter is "N", then the current user has administrative access permissions to advertising module. If the parameter is skipped or specified as "Y", the function checks level of access permissions to the module. Optional parameter.


$FilterArr = Array(

if (strlen($set_filter)>0)

if (strlen($del_filter)>0)


$arFilter = Array(
    "ID"                    => $find_id,
    "ID_EXACT_MATCH"        => $find_id_exact_match,
    "LAMP"                  => $find_lamp,
    "LANG"                  => $find_lang,
    "SHOW_COUNT_1"          => $find_show_count_1,
    "SHOW_COUNT_2"          => $find_show_count_2,
    "CLICK_COUNT_1"         => $find_click_count_1,
    "CLICK_COUNT_2"         => $find_click_count_2,
    "CTR_1"                 => $find_ctr_1,
    "CTR_2"                 => $find_ctr_2,
    "GROUP"                 => $find_group,
    "GROUP_EXACT_MATCH"     => $find_group_exact_match,
    "STATUS_SID"            => $find_status_sid,
    "CONTRACT_ID"           => $find_contract_id,
    "CONTRACT"              => $find_contract,
    "CONTRACT_EXACT_MATCH"  => $find_contract_exact_match,
    "TYPE_SID"              => $find_type_sid,
    "TYPE"                  => $find_type,
    "TYPE_EXACT_MATCH"      => $find_type_exact_match,
    "NAME"                  => $find_name,
    "NAME_EXACT_MATCH"      => $find_name_exact_match,
    "CODE"                  => $find_code,
    "CODE_EXACT_MATCH"      => $find_code_exact_match,
    "COMMENTS"              => $find_comments,
    "COMMENTS_EXACT_MATCH"  => $find_comments_exact_match

$rsBanners = CAdvBanner::GetList($by, $order, $arFilter, $is_filtered);

while($arBanner = $rsBanners->NavNext(true, "f_"))
    echo "<pre>"; print_r($arBanner); echo "</pre>";

The following is an example of array returned by a call to the Fetch method of one of the returned objects:

    [LAMP] => green
    [ID] => 88
    [CONTRACT_ID] => 1
    [TYPE_SID] => TOP
    [GROUP_SID] => 
    [NAME] =>
    [ACTIVE] => Y
    [LID] => 
    [WEIGHT] => 100
    [MAX_SHOW_COUNT] => 300
    [MAX_CLICK_COUNT] => 100
    [SHOW_COUNT] => 102
    [CLICK_COUNT] => 4
    [IMAGE_ID] => 1032
    [IMAGE_ALT] =>
    [URL] =>
    [URL_TARGET] => _parent
    [STAT_EVENT_1] => 
    [STAT_EVENT_2] => 
    [STAT_EVENT_3] => 
    [FOR_NEW_GUEST] => 
    [COMMENTS] => 
    [CREATED_BY] => 2
    [MODIFIED_BY] => 2
    [CTR] => 3.92
    [DATE_LAST_SHOW] => 24.06.2004 17:39:50
    [DATE_LAST_CLICK] => 24.06.2004 14:47:53
    [DATE_SHOW_FROM] => 10.06.2004
    [DATE_SHOW_TO] => 07.07.2007
    [DATE_CREATE] => 10.06.2004 11:25:59
    [DATE_MODIFY] => 24.06.2004 14:33:56
    [CONTRACT_NAME] => Default
    [TYPE_NAME] => Top banner
    [CODE_TYPE] => html
    [CODE] => <TABLE class=smalltext cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=145>
<DIV align=center>
<A class=righthead 
   href="/en/partners/partnership.php">partnership Program</A>
<TD height=8></TD></TR>
<TD width=5></TD>
<TD vAlign=bottom>
<DIV align=center>
<A href="/en/partners/partnership.php">
<IMG height=95 src="/images/advert/free.gif" 
     width=100 border=0></A></DIV></TD></TR>
<TD height=5></TD></TR>
<TD>Developers and integrators obtain:<BR>
<B><FONT class=smalltext>
<IMG height=8 src="/images/list_bullet.gif" width=8>
<FONT color=#ff5a31>50% discounts</FONT> 
<BR><B><FONT class=smalltext>
<IMG height=8 src="/images/list_bullet.gif" width=8>
<FONT color=#ff5a31>free license</FONT></TD></TR>
<TD height=5></TD></TR>
<DIV align=right>
<A class=bottomlinks
 href="/en/partners/partnership.php">more info</A>
 <IMG height=7 src="/images/main_button_more_3.gif" width=7>
	[CODE_TYPE] => html
	[STAT_EVENT_1] => 
	[STAT_EVENT_2] => 
	[STAT_EVENT_3] => 
	[CREATED_BY] => 2
	[CTR] => 3.92
	[DATE_LAST_SHOW] => 24.06.2004 17:39:50
	[DATE_LAST_CLICK] => 24.06.2004 14:47:53
	[DATE_SHOW_FROM] => 10.06.2004
	[DATE_SHOW_TO] => 07.07.2007
	[DATE_CREATE] => 10.06.2004 11:25:59
	[DATE_MODIFY] => 24.06.2004 14:33:56
	[CONTRACT_NAME] => Default
	[TYPE_NAME] => Top banner
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