

Description and parameters

bool CPrice::Update(
 int ID, 
 array arFields,
 boolean $boolRecalc = false,

Method updates price parameters for a product and sources them from arFields array. Non-static method.

Important! Starting from Catalog module version 16.0.3, when passing the key PRICE, its strongly recommended to pass the key CURRENCY as well. This will allow to exclude additional database query inside the method.

This method operational, but has deprecated. It's recommended to use \Bitrix\Catalog\Model\Price::update instead.

Call parameters

ParameterDescription Available from version
ID Price ID. Code must be retrieved via this method.
arFields Associative array with new price parameters with keys as price field names, and new values.
Permissible keys:
  • PRODUCT_ID - product or price ID (iblock item ID);
  • EXTRA_ID - surcharge ID;
  • CATALOG_GROUP_ID - price type ID;
  • PRICE - price;
  • CURRENCY - price currency
  • QUANTITY_FROM - of product, with price applicable from товара, начиная с приобретения которого действует эта цена.
  • QUANTITY_TO - amount of purchased product when this price stops applying.

    Note: if you need to skip the QUANTITY_FROM and QUANTITY_TO parameters, you need to indicate them as false or skip fields QUANTITY_FROM and QUANTITY_TO in Update altogether.

In case of available surcharge ID, you can automatically recalculate this price when updating base price or surcharge percentage.
boolRecalc Recalculate price. When passing true, enables mechanism of price recalculation.
Upon updating base price (price type indicated in CATALOG_GROUP_ID being base price), recalculates all the rest of prices for product with surcharge ID.
Updating another price (non-basic) with already specified surcharge ID and already existing base price - recalculates PRICE and CURRENCY values.
Optional parameter. Default value - false.

Returned values

Returns ID for updated price on successfully saved price and false otherwise. You need to call $APPLICATION->GetException() to get detailed error information.


Method handles events OnBeforePriceUpdate and OnPriceUpdate.

  • When parameter $boolRecalc = true, you still have to indicate price and currency (in case of non-basic price type). Updates price and currency, if base price exists; if not - updates surcharge ID to null.
  • OnBeforePriceUpdate event handlers can restrict or, otherwise, enable price recalculation. The key RECALC for array data, passed to handler is responsible for this.

See Also


// Set for product with ID = 15 price type 2 as the value 29.95 USD

$arFields = Array(
    "PRICE" => 29.95,
    "CURRENCY" => "USD",
    "QUANTITY_FROM" => 1,
    "QUANTITY_TO" => 10

$res = CPrice::GetList(
                "PRODUCT_ID" => $PRODUCT_ID,
                "CATALOG_GROUP_ID" => $PRICE_TYPE_ID

if ($arr = $res->Fetch())
    CPrice::Update($arr["ID"], $arFields);

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