Views: 2001
Last Modified: 31.05.2023

Module description

  • Without preconfigured Push&Pull module and queue server the following features won't operate: group chat, message edit, sending files, telephony (outbound and inbound calls at the account);
  • Telephony won't operate without Telephony (voximplant) module (outbound call from the account);
  • The option Use Voximplant SFU server for video calls (requires valid license) requires an installed Telephony (voximplant) module and an active Bitrix24 license;
  • You won't be able to send files without the Disk module.

Attention: For faster performance of Instant Messenger module version 17.0.4 and up, you need the following:
  • Update your MySQL database to version 5.6.
  • Next, execute the following query in the command line:
    CREATE fulltext index IXF_IM_MESS_1 on b_im_message

You may have already installed the product on the server with pre-installed MySQL database version 5.6 and newer, and you do not have to do anything.

To configure the Instant messenger module, go the page Settings > System Settings > Module Settings > Instant Messenger

Field Description
Use Voximplant SFU server for video calls In case this option is enabled, the call media flow will be directed through VoxImplant servers and the connection of up 10 participants will be available. But in case its unavailable - media will be transferred directly between participants, with up to 4 participants available. This option isn't enabled by default.

Available in Bitrix24 On-premise only.
Use own TURN server for video calls: When enabled, indicate config for your own custom video calls server inside this option.
By default:
  • Server
  • Server URL for Firefox:
  • Login:bitrix
  • Password:bitrix
Hide offline users Hides offline users in contact list by default when enabled.
Hide user groups Hides user groups in contact list by default when enabled.
Show recent messages Shows recent messages in conversations/chats by default when enabled.
Show most recent notifications Shows most recent notifications by default when enabled.
Send message on Indicates combination of keys for sending messages: Enter or Ctrl + Enter by default.
Messenger bar location Indicates default location for messenger panel.

Note: The template for Bitrix24 account has messenger bar hidden and located at the right side for the full screen lengthwise.

Once invited to a chat, a user can view message history Enables showing group chat message history when inviting a new participant.
  • all from the first message - previous messages from group chat participants won't be visible to the invited participants;
  • only messages after receiving invitation - all message from the moment when chat was created will be visible.
Enable color themes for chats and users Enables colors that distinguish individual chats.
Enable public chats Enables public chats, including General chat.
Preload all portal users for faster search The Messenger bar location option is recommended for companies with employee count more than 300 people. This allows reducing web content load: not all users will be loaded to messenger when this option is disabled, but only those employees that the current employee corresponds with in chat or finds via search.

Available in Bitrix24 On-premise only.
Notify about new hires in General chat When enabled, General chat receives the message every time when a new employee was hired.

Available in Bitrix24 On-premise only.
Notify about employee/user dismissal in General chat When checkmarked, General chat receives message every time when an employee was hired.

Available in Bitrix24 On-premise only.


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