How does Bitrix24 Telephony operate
Below are the basics of how telephony algorithm works. Main base for all telephony is the Controller, located at Bitrix24 server. Specifically this Controller manages all calls and licenses. When starting a call from an instance (or a phone), customer is first connected to Voximplant voice servers. Then, voice servers are connected to the Controller to verify the license. Next, Controller sends connection settings back to the call. In brief this can be explained as follows: Voximplant -> Controller -> Voximplant. This chain doesn't take much time. On occasions, when the Controller is unavailable at a specific moment, telephony operation is initiated without the Controller. Once per 24 hours, Controller saves a secret key and account address in the telephony account (Voximplant voice servers). If everything operates correctly, operation works as per standard algorithm (Check license status and save statistics for analytics). However, if Controller cannot be reached due to some reasons, the mentioned keys are used for direct access. At the same time, the standard call and direct access calls doesn't differ, this customer won't notice anything. The call log with operating Controller will contain the following record: |
Views: 4430
Last Modified: 29.05.2023
Last Modified: 29.05.2023